Culture Film & TV
Bad Education cast on ‘bigger, better and badder’ series 5: ‘We are in our stride’
Exclusive: The stars of BBC Three’s hit comedy Bad Education talk us through putting together the most chaotic series yet
Culture Film & TV
Exclusive: The stars of BBC Three’s hit comedy Bad Education talk us through putting together the most chaotic series yet
Culture Film & TV
Exclusive: "What good is all this if I'm experiencing all these amazing things, but I can't bring anyone along with me?"
Culture Film & TV
Exclusive: "I want to take over the world!"
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"I thought, ‘Why not take my followers along on this journey?'”
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“F**king for life!”
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We would love to see this...
Culture Film & TV
“The ‘bf’ term might now be applicable…”
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The two teenagers have both denied a charge of murder
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“I can’t wait for you to meet Michael in season 3!”
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"For us, it will feel very much like she’s there. She came alive on stage"
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“As quickly as [my international career] begun, it must now end," she wrote
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“Wouldn’t it be fun to get the band back together one last time?”
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The International Cricket Council has declared this will be implemented “regardless of any surgery or treatment taken”
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Exclusive: “There’s 3am voice notes… we've all got withdrawal symptoms”
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Exclusive: "To have met someone like Jordan, I never expected to come into the process for that"
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"I never would have expected this! I am very happy," one of the women said
"In that first video, I just remember hoping that people could see my intentions were good"
Culture Film & TV
Exclusive: “Henry likes Jordan. Jordan likes me, and it stops there"
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“If we all gave up, we wouldn’t be the people we were born to be”
Culture Film & TV
Exclusive: “It’s a film about power and sex, which is a love story”