Ben Aldridge sought therapy after break-up with ‘well-known actor’
Exclusive: "He was very conscious of it not being in the press," the Knock at the Cabin star says in a new interview with Attitude

Ben Aldridge has shared that he sought therapy after a painful break-up with a “well-known actor.”
The Knock at the Cabin star furthermore details his battle with anxiety in his new interview with Attitude.
The actor – who also stars in the upcoming movie, Spoiler Alert with Jim Parsons – was last week named one of our most influential LGBTQ people, as part of Attitude 101, empowered by Bentley.
“He was very conscious of it not being in the press”
“I won’t name names,” explained Ben. “But it was basically a well-known actor at the time, and he was very conscious of it not being in the press, for him.”

Disclosing that he had therapy, the star continued: “I was very in denial that hiding my sexuality had caused me any problem. When I came out, I made it absolutely the lowest key thing ever. I didn’t sit anyone down; I didn’t make a big drama out of it. I just wanted to almost not acknowledge it in a way because I was in denial of how much pain was surrounding that.”
The 37-year-old went on: “I came to the realisation that this is potentially why I suffer anxiety, or I feel this way. I started going to therapy because I felt heartbroken.

“But I discovered that, actually, there was all this other stuff that I hadn’t addressed and hadn’t looked at. And that’s still kind of ongoing work, I’d say. Although he isn’t in therapy any longer, Aldridge acknowledges that the work on learning to love yourself and embrace your identity is ongoing.
“You can’t underestimate the trauma of growing up in a world that tells you that you’re disgusting. And I feel like we do the best job of being fabulous, but I think it can wound us deeply, really deeply. More than we can comprehend sometimes.”
To read our exclusive interview with Ben Aldridge in full, pre-order issue 351 of Attitude here.
Knock at the Cabin is out now.