21 questions with Drag Race UK’s Cherry Valentine
“Biggest turn-on? Football socks. Love a man in some long sports socks, covered in mud and sweat.”

Serving glam goth realness, Cherry Valentine (and her life-giving cackle) certainly made an impression during her regrettably short time on RuPaul’s Drag Race UK – we were positively spitting pits at her departure.
The fruity queen, from Darlington, did herself proud and we’ll always have the, erm, ‘Memory’ of her fierce lip-synch against rival, Tayce.
Since being told to sashay away from the BBC show, Cherry toldAttitude Presents Tea Time in association with Taimi, the LGBTQ+ Dating & Social Network that she has returned to work as a nurse to help in the ongoing battle against the coronavirus and is currently holding the fort at a COVID-19 vaccination centre. Yass, vac queen!
What were your rejected drag names?
One of them was Sierra Valentine – I was going to go with Ciara with a ‘C’ but I thought an ‘S’ would be a sassy change. Another was Delta Devotion: Delta meaning ‘D’, devoted to the D, you get what I mean, horrendous really!
Describe your drag style in five words.
Art in its finest form.
Best pick-up line someone has said to you?
“You’ll do.”
What’s the worst thing someone could say to you in bed?
“Is that your alarm going off?”
How would (or does) your Grindr profile read?
I want to sleep with you. I don’t mean have sex. I mean, sleep together. Under my blankets, with my hand on your chest and your arm around me. No talking… just the muffled cries that you slowly let seep away from your blood-gurgling mouth as I slit your throat and sacrifice your worthless life to the dark overlord!
BBC/World of Wonder/Guy Levy
Biggest turn-on?
Football socks. Love a man in some long sports socks, covered in mud and sweat.
And turn-off?
People who are just about themselves. You know the type, the ones that look in the mirror a lot.
What is your safe word?
If you could be any inanimate object in the world, what would you be?
A lovely tree in the Bahamas.
What’s your life motto?
Speak your truth, manifest your dreams, and live life to the full every single day. It’s short, so make your mark.
BBC/World of Wonder/Guy Levy
Which cocktail best suits your personality?
A bubble-gum daquiri.
What would your own fragrance be called, and what the tagline be?
‘The Scent’. It just makes scents…
Your house is on fire: what single item would you save?
I would grab the dog and carry him like a baby to safety.
You’ve started a cult. What is it about?
Our lord and saviour, Beyoncé Knowles.
Let’s play Cluedo! You’ve been slayed: who did it, where and with what?
Cluedo is one of those games that make me want to flip the board. Colonel Mustard did it with a lead pipe in the kitchen, happens all the time – I can’t stand that yellow-loving man!
BBC/World of Wonder/Ray Burmiston
What does it say on your gravestone?
May her energy live on and travel the universe (and never hear another morning alarm again).
What does your heaven look like?
Honestly, I like to think when we die our energy really does just occupy the world, and travel through space and time, discovering the secrets of the universe. I’m such a geek!
And your hell?
Ask yourself, we’re already here…
Which of your Drag Race UK sisters would you haunt?
I’d haunt each and every one of them equally and whisper things in their ears like, “You should have worn nails.”
You’ve been abducted by aliens. What is your parting message to Earth?
“I told you this would happen!”
What is your most annoying habit?
I love telling awful ‘dad jokes’; I don’t think it’s annoying, but my partner tells me it is!