Artist creates phone charger shaped like male torso
By Josh Haggis

An American artist has created a phone charger in the shape of a life-size male torso.
The charger – which artist Justin Crowe has named “Paul” – stands at 34 inches tall, and is billed as the first smartphone charger to double as a piece of art.
Crowe, who has launched a campaign on crowd-funding website Kickstarter to help him create more “Paul“s, describes his handiwork as “the sexiest phone charger on the planet”.
“Paul is a sarcastic piece made in response to the current popular trends in social and mobile technologies,” he explains. “It is a functional iPhone charger design object that explores modern technology’s affect on human sexuality.”
Check out the front of Paul below…
… and now check out Paul from behind.
Meanwhile, here is a GIF showing off all of Paul‘s manly attributes.
The project currently has eleven backers on Kickstarter – but you could be the 12th. Watch a video about the Paul project below.