Austin Mahone: ‘Never stay quiet about bullying!’

He’s yet to explode in the UK, but gorgeous pop star Austin Mahone has been massive Stateside for yonks. He’s so damn famous that the foxy fella has just had his waxwork unveiled at Madame Tussauds in L.A. Lazy people call him the new Justin Bieber – er, because he’s young, hot and talented – but there’s more to Austin than that. His tunes are corkers – just check out new single Dirty Work and you’ll see why we’re super excited about him.Speaking exclusively to aTEEN, he reveals how he’s beefed up, why he wasn’t popular at school and how he regrets not speaking up when he fell victim to school bullies.Austin, you look amazing in the Dirty Work video – have you been working out? What’s your regime?
Yes, I work out. My workout is full-body – I work my chest, arms, back, legs, but I don’t really have a specific routine; I switch it up all the time.
Do you feel more confident now – you look a lot more grown up?
I definitely have grown more. I’ve performed more and experienced a lot of new and different things in the music industry and just personally as well.
Before you were making music were you always popular with girls?
No, definitely not. I really wasn’t popular with girls in school while growing up. That came with the music!
Your success in the US is phenomenal. Your life must have changed. Do people treat you differently?
Yeah, I would say my life has changed considerably, but my family and friends don’t treat me any differently. They have always been supportive and a huge role in my life. Sometimes other people around me do change and may treat me differently, but I’ve gotten used to it.
You’re a dashingly handsome man, you must have girls hurling themselves at you even though you are with someone. Are you welcoming of the attention?
Ha, that’s a hilarious question – thank you! Yes, I like the attention, but who wouldn’t?! I take it as a compliment.
Every young star goes through a rebellious time. Do you think that’s something you’ll avoid?
I think everyone goes through a rebellious time. It’s normal when growing up, so I might have technically gone through one already or I may be going through one now!
Your music sound has got tougher. Are you still proud of your earlier music? (What About Love is still a favourite in the aTEEN office)
Definitely. I’m proud of all my music and everything I have done to build my career. All of my music from my past has led me to where I am – personally and musically – today.
Did you have a happy time at school? Were you ever picked on?
I was definitely picked on all the time. I was never really popular with the girls, and there were times I was bullied too. I didn’t do anything about it, and I just kept quiet, which was a mistake. I think everyone should talk to someone if they are going through that sort of situation. I realise that now, so I always focus on surrounding myself with good people and friends.
Dirty Work is out now. Our full interview with Austin is in the current issue of aTEEN, our special digital mag for young LGBT people, out now from