Banana actor Dino Fetscher on tonight’s threesome scene: ‘I had nothing but a cock-sock on’

If you’ve made plans for tonight, then cancel them. This evening, fans of Cucumber will finally get to see the tragic aftermath of Lance’s brutal murder. How will Henry cope with the loss of his boyfriend during their bitter break in their relationship? Will Daniel get his comeuppance? Will ghostly Hazel make another return to the show? Who knows, we’ll just have to find out tonight at 9pm on Channel 4.
On a lighter note, spin-off show Banana also promises to be a real corker tonight, telling the story of a young cocky Welsh guy who thinks he’s god’s gift. The handsome so-and-so playing Aiden is young Welsh actor, Dino Fetscher.
It’s his first-ever TV role and he comes with a seal of approval from Russell T Davies himself.
“He’s possibly the most beautiful man you’ll ever see on the screen in your life,” Russell gushes.
“He’s absolutely gorgeous. And a brilliant actor. So that’s exciting, and I’ve actually been following his career for a while because he was always gonna do well, and – umm… we gave him this role not knowing how well he’d do, but he’s brilliant. He’s absolutely fantastic.”
As we’re also ones to spot a star in the making we caught up with Dino to chat about tonight’s episode and throwing himself into a saucy TV threesome. And make sure you come back to after the show tomorrow to see some very sexy shots of him. In part two of our interview tomorrow, Fetscher also opens up about coming out – yes he’s gay! – and why he will never hide his sexuality.
So Dino, tell us about your character.
I play Aiden who’s 24 and from South Wales. He’s a very interesting character because he isn’t all he seems to be from first impressions. He’s a predator; he knows what he wants and isn’t afraid to go and get it, but underneath it all he has a big beating heart. It’s what I love about him. He keeps himself very guarded and distant in order to protect himself. I loved how layered he is! It was quite a challenge to play someone who is so forward, but I thoroughly enjoyed it!
You must be excited to be in a Russell T Davies show?
It’s insanely exciting! Russell is a big inspiration to me. The work he creates is incredible. I’m thrilled to be a part of these projects. When my agent called to let me know I’d been offered the role I was in total shock, I had to ask for it to be repeated at least twice, then I didn’t believe it until I was at the read through in Manchester. Still pinching myself, I’m a very lucky boy.
How did you get the role?
I had the audition through my agent. When I read the script I knew I had to get it. I worked very hard; it was literally all I could think about. I was in a West End show at the time so it was all balancing on timing with my week off. Even though I was very happy with my audition, I didn’t think it would work out schedule wise. When it did, I was numb, I just sat in silence for about 10 minutes!
What was the audition like? It’s a saucy show – did you have to strip off for it?
I was giggling to myself when I read the script for the first time; it is pretty saucy. Luckily I was not asked to strip haha! I had to prepare a few scenes for Andy Pryor – our casting director – it was all very professional and fun. It was one of my most enjoyable auditions to date; I loved the character and Andy is so lovely you instantly feel very much at ease.
Dino, you have a threesome in the show – this was your TV first role. what was filming that sex scene like?
I was so nervous about it on so many different levels! It was a lot scarier in my head than it was in reality. Our director Luke (Snellin) and producer Emily (Feller) were absolutely brilliant and made sure we all felt as safe and comfortable as it was possible to feel with nothing but a flesh coloured ‘cock-sock’ on. We had a closed set with only the necessary people being in the room. It was very mechanical in the sense that every shot was carefully choreographed and directed; with hilarious directions from Luke being called out, like “Ok, and if you could climax now please Dino”. In real life it wasn’t sexy at all! It was such an experience. I can’t wait to see it back!
This is your first big role, what are you hoping for ? Charlie Hunnam from Queer As Folk is now a Hollywood star!
It’s absolutely incredible how far actors like Charlie Hunnam have come! I am excited to see what’s around the corner. I always want to carry on making work that I am proud of and excited by. I think as long as I am happy and true to myself I will be alright, but who knows what will happen! Wish me luck.
Cucumber is on Channel 4 at 9pm, followed at 10pm by Banana on E4. Check back tomorrow for part two of our Dino interview – and some even saucier pics of him!
See more pictures of Dino in our February Cucumber issue of Attitude, or in Attitude’s special youth magazine aTEEN.
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