CBB: James and Austin’s half-naked horseplay continues
By Nick Bond

Another day in the Celebrity Big Brother house, another boisterous bout of half-naked horseplay for besties Austin Armacost and James Hill.
Yes, after yesterday’s wrestling match – in which James lost his towel and ended up writhing naked on the floor – the pair are at it again.
Earlier, the gay / straight duo dropped the smiles to have a heart-to-heart in, where else, the closet. #symbolism
Near-nude wrestles and serious chats out of the way, the pair took to bed – together, of course:
Seriously, we are going to need grief counselling when this series is over.
More stories:
CBB’s Austin and James bromance is the near-naked gift that keeps on giving
In pics: CBB’s James Hill visits Diary Room in nothing but tighty-whities