Celebrate the male form with ‘Boys in the Buff – the Musical’
By Ross Semple

Bodies. We’ve all got one. But who is totally happy with theirs? Are you? Too fat? Too thin? Addicted to diets? Obsessed with the gym? Toying with the idea of plastic surgery? Or just fretting self-consciously because you don’t have the perfect complexion that everyone on social media seems to have? (Well, of course they do; they’ve all been photo-shopped).
That’s what Boys in the Buff, a new musical revue, explores in a three week run in July at the Stockwell Playhouse. Okay, so there’s a smidgeon of playful male nudity, but all in the cause of exploring our physiques and how we feel about them.
In our “selfie” culture the notion of ‘self-image’ – and how we deal with it – is more and more on our minds. Boys in the Buff seeks to entertain and illuminate the issue with songs and dance about weight-loss, the hell of the gym, playground taunts, self-confidence, narcissism, exhibitionism, penis envy, and what we feel about our naked selves.
Four ‘up-for-it’ boys are put through their paces by hostess Diana Diamonte, and in a fun-packed cabaret show they sing, dance and indulge in locker room banter. They also expose themselves in a more emotional way: revealing deep insecurities about the way the World sees them.
Max, the swaggering gym bunny reveals that he was once twenty stone and now slaves to retain his body beautiful. Richard, secretly gay for too long, reveals how he came to terms with what he once thought of as ‘sins’ of his flesh. Dan, an ex porn star, finds a new and better way to strut his stuff. Phil, the lad next door, desperately insecure about his looks, finds the confidence to finally throw caution to the wind.
You’ve seen The Full Monty, you’ve heard Naked Boys Singing and you’ve winced at Puppetry of the Penis but finally it’s here, a riotous evening of fun, flesh and fabulous song: Boys in the Buff – the Musical!
Boys in the Buff is at LOST Theatre from July 11 to 29 2017. Click here for more information.