Colton Haynes hits back after Noah Galvin calls his coming out ‘some p***y bullsh*t’

The Real O’Neals
star Noah Galvin has had a bad 24 hours, after the publication of a controversial interview in which he claimed the way in which Arrow star Colton Haynes came out earlier this year was “some p*ssy bullsh*t”, and claimed X-Men director Bryan Singer likes to prey on “little boys”.
In an interview with Vulture, the 22-year-old, who is openly gay himself, described Colton Haynes as “the worst”, before blasting the manner in which he chose to come out last month.
Responding the the interviewer’s comment that Haynes didn’t actually say the word “gay” during his coming out profile with Entertainment Weekly, Galvin said: “That’s not coming out. That’s f*cking pussy bullsh*t. That’s like, enough people assume that I sleep with men, so I’m just going to slightly confirm the fact that I’ve sucked a dick or two.
“That’s not doing anything for the little gays but giving them more masturbation material.”
Galvin also made some controversial remarks about X-Men director Bryan Singer during the interview, which have since removed.
Singer was accused in 2014 of sexually assaulting a 17-year-old boy in the 1990s, but the charges were later dropped.
Still, that didn’t stop Galvin from speaking out.
Asked whether there was a gay network in Hollywood, the actor replied that Singer would “invite little boys over to his pool and diddle them in the f*cking dark of night.”
Just this morning, Colton Haynes took to Instagram to hit back at Galvin, calling the young star’s comments “embarrassing”.
“It’s extremely ironic that only a month ago I was tweeting this kid and saying that he should win an Emmy for his work. Then today he returns the favour by calling me a pussy and the worst to the entire world,” the 26-year-old wrote.
“Let me just clarify, I’ve never met this kid, so for him to judge me without even meeting and having no idea the struggles I’ve been through for where I come from is absolutely uncalled for and quite frankly embarrassing on his part.”
“Since when is a three page article in Entertainment Weekly not an appropriate way to come out? And since when did he become the judge of what’s appropriate. Shouldn’t we all be supporting each other?
“Enjoy all of your success. You’re young kid… hopefully you’ll eventually learn a thing or two. Good luck. I’m sure I’ll see ya around.”
He even signed the reply off with “Colton Pussy Haynes”.
Galvin has since apologised to both Haynes, Singer, and the LGBT community at large for the interview.
Taking to Twitter, he wrote: “I sincerely apologise to Bryan Singer for the horrible statement I made about him in the interview I gave to New York Magazine. My comments were false and unwarranted. It was irresponsible and stupid of me to make those allegations against Bryan, and I deeply regret doing so.”
“I have never been to Bryan’s house, and I admit there is no basis for any of the things I said or implied about Bryan in that interview. I understand now that my statements were not at all funny and have serious implications.
“I am very sorry and I hope that Bryan and everyone else who read that interview can forgive me for my serious lapse in judgement. I have contacted New York Magazine and other publications that republished my statements and asked them all to print this retraction and apology.”
— Noah Galvin (@Noahegalvin) June 9, 2016
He added that he was disappointed he had “hurt the LGBTQ community and the industry” he is part of.
“My only intention was to try and empower and promote honesty, but I fully understand that comments I made were brazen and hurtful. To Colton Haynes and to the LGBTQ youth, especially those who have embraced our show, I have no right to dictate how or when anybody comes out of the closet; I know how difficult and scary the process of coming out can be, and the last thing I would ever want to do is make it scarier.”
— Noah Galvin (@Noahegalvin) June 9, 2016
Despite Galvin’s outburst, his show The Real O’Neals, which was inspired by the early life of LGBT activist Dan Savage has been praised for it’s portrayal of gay youth.
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