Cucumber and Banana to debut on US TV tonight
By Nick Bond

Russell T. Davies’ twin gay dramas, Cucumber and Banana, will make their debut on American screens tonight, kicking off on the Logo channel.
Americans, you’re in for a wild ride: the shows proved incredibly divisive viewing here in the UK, with each episode hotly debated on social media. Without giving anything away, we’ll tell you to brace yourselves – the series takes some very unexpected twists and turns.
As the series progressed here in the UK, we hosted a variety of opinions here on (and a warning, there are spoilers ahead if you follow these links): From a young viewer who thought he’d hate the show, but found it addictive viewing, to an older viewer who identified strongly with the show’s protagonist, Henry.
There’s plenty of eye candy on the show, too – we brought you exclusive pics of out gay actor Dino Fetscher in his pants. After all, as the suggestive titles indicate, there’s a whole lot of sex going on in Cucumber and Banana (that’s right – they’re not cooking shows).
American viewers, if you like what you see in tonight’s episodes and you want more Cucumber and Banana goodness, you can still download the February issue of Attitude, with the cast on the cover and a full in-depth feature on the shows inside. Get it now from