Drag Race legend Manila Luzon’s most sickening moments
The season three, All Stars 1 and All Stars 4 queen celebrates her 40th birthday today (10 August).
By Josh Lee

Words: Josh Lee
Drag Race legend Manila Luzon celebrates the big 4-0 today (10 August).
Though she narrowly lost out to Raja in season three and was sent packing by Noami Smalls on All Stars 4 (in one of the most brutally tactical chops in All Stars her-story, the Minnesotan queen stole the hearts of fans worldwide, and became a runaway star in her own right.
Weird, wacky and camper than Christmas, Manila is the offbeat queen of our dreams.
To celebrate, here are just a few of her best moments from throughout the years.
When she became the world’s most glamorous pineapple:
When she wore the pineapple dress again to the season 8 finale and thought we wouldn’t remember, but we didn’t care because she looked adorable:
When she refused to be confused with her fellow Asian Drag Race contestants in an interview:
“I’m 6-feet tall and Ongina is literally the size of a frickin’ Barbie doll and she doesn’t have hair. And nobody would confuse me with Jujubee because I had her killed.”
This face:
When she let Shangela have it:
When she helped us survive a zombie apocalypse:
When she attended the season 7 finale in Woolly Mammoth couture. That’s right. Woolly. Mammoth. Couture.
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When she lip-synced for her life, my life, your life, and the lives of those yet to be born:
And taught us it was okay to let your mascara run down your face because emotions don’t scare her:
When she teamed up with Latrice Royale to save pop music:
When she got satirical:
When she ushered in a new era of Cruella de Vil eleganza:
When her outfit prompted Tammie Brown’s All Stars 1 Untucked line: “Come on Telebubby, teleport us to Mars!”
When she refused to be a queen who simply lipsyncs to their own song DURING the All Stars talent show and instead PAINTED UPSIDE DOWN LIVE:
When she served one of the most flawless runway looks in Drag Race herstory:
When – by virtue of being such a front-runner on All Stars 4 – she was indirectly responsible for one of the franchise’s greatest shocks:
And of course, when she recently returned home as a lipsync assassin in All Stars 6 to shakedown against Kylie Sonqique to the sound of Christina Aguilera’s ‘Dirrrty’:
Happy birthday, queen!