Eastenders viewers threaten to switch off over new trans character

On Monday night (March 21) EastEnders aired an episode in which a transgender character, Kyle, revealed to his sister, played by Lacey Turner, that he was her brother and that he was actually born ‘Sarah’.
This is the first time the flagship BBC One soap has portrayed a transgender storyline with a transgender male actor – in this case, Riley Carter Millington.
However, following this episode people started complaining to the BBC as they did not approve of seeing a transgender character portrayed in the soap.
This outcry could also be seen as people took to Twitter to complain about the show.
Tell you what, Kyle you’re a fukin weirdo #Eastenders
— David Boink (@DavidBoink) March 22, 2016
#eastenders so that’s the full multi cultural transgender box ticked fir a pathetic BBC that marginalises being white and heterosexual
— Marka (@sparticuslufc7) March 21, 2016
Gay storylines and now transgender? @bbceastenders i might have to stop watching for a while.. #EastEnders
— Ahmed Osman (@ahmz_KF) March 21, 2016
That is one ugly looking bitch on #EastEnders who names their daughter kyle?
You’re a lesbian not a man you freak!
— David Bailey (@LLCoolDave86) March 22, 2016
However, the anger was minuscule compared to the amount of support the BBC and the characters have received on Twitter.
#EastEnders should do more storylines like Kyle’s. You know he’s speaking from experience! Well done Eastenders!
— NΔØΣI (@creative_nay_) March 22, 2016
And so it begins. Kyle’s transgender story line on #EastEnders. This should be fantastic! @MrRileyCarter1 #Awareness
— QueenCity EastEnder (@MelissaBerry919) March 22, 2016
Kyle opening up about transgender is amazing❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️#Eastenders
— #FreeMikeRoss (@Smiley_UnionJ) March 22, 2016
Following his casting, Millington was named the UK’s most influential LGBT person in The Independent on Sunday’s Rainbow List 2015, making him the first trans man to stop the list. The judges stated his playing Kyle “could help trans people – even save lives – and represents a landmark cultural moment.”
Words: Rhys Matthews
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