Frank Ocean finally announces new album details

Four years. It’s taken Frank Ocean four seemingly endless, long-winded, interminable years to finally let us know when the long-awaited follow-up to 2012 critically-acclaimed Channel Orange will be with us.
And finally we can confirm that the 28-year-old’s second studio album Boys Don’t Cry will be hitting the shelves at the end of July.
Now, we bet you’re as excited as we are. ‘Cause listen…
Ocean has JUST uploaded one mysterious picture on his own website: A lookalike library slip that’s stamped from July 2015 (time of when Boys Don’t Cry rumours got serious) to July 2016…
But that’s not all: One of his representatives also told Billboard the album isn’t the only thing fans can expect – he’s also getting his own magazine.
Posting on boysdon’, Ocean wrote: “‘I got two versions. I got twoooo versions.’ #ISSUE1 #ALBUM3 #JULY2015 #BOYSDONTCRY”
So what is it that we know about the record?
- The beat is meant to be much more relaxed, as we told you earlier this year.
- There’s a “handheld mic sitting in the control room” type-of-thing – whatever that means.
- Ocean’s been collaborating with some big stars, including British indie darling James Blake.
Ocean became one of the first US hip-hop stars to acknowledge his homosexuality when he discussed his past relationship with a man in 2012, with Kanye West himself subsequently declaring singer had “broke ground” and made history for breaking down stereotypes.
The two-time Grammy Awards winner has since collaborated with the likes of Beyonce, Jay-Z, Kanye West, André 3000, Kendrick Lamar & John Mayer. (And that’s just some of the A-listers he’s worked with.)
Frank, you’re nothing if not a tease.
Words: Salomé Baudino
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