Gay superhero film trailer romances the internet
By Umar Sarwar

A brilliant new trailer starring LGBT superheroes launched online this week, urging studios to “more accurately portray sexuality on the big screen.”
The clip, titled #LGBTSuperheroes, shows two male protagonists fall in love, fight crime and come to terms with their powers in an epic call to action.
A spokesperson for Shape History, the social change company behind the campaign, said: “Iceman, Mystique, Catwoman and many other well known superheroes are written as LGBT in the comic books, only to then appear as straight when they hit the big screen.
“This trailer gives fans the first opportunity to see LGBT superheroes accurately brought to life.”
The clip was pre-screened at London’s MCM Comic Con over the weekend to 200 people, which featured a panel and Q&A session.
“This project has been been completely created by volunteers,” said Director Mike Buonaiuto. “We hope that we can demonstrate to the studios that there is a huge audience for accurate LGBT portrayal on the big screen, and it won’t deter cinemagoers to buy tickets.”
The campaign follows #GiveCaptainAmericaABoyfriend trending across social media last week.
The reaction on Twitter for the trailer has been equally buzzing:
Great campaign by @ShapeHistory! —It’s time #LGBTSuperheroes were accurately portrayed:
— Gavin Ganendran (@liyygg) May 31, 2016
Dear Hollywood, more of this, please. #givecaptainamericaaboyfriend#LGBTSuperheroes
— Kate Aaron (@fairkatrina) May 31, 2016
Great work launching #LGBTSuperheroes today @videographer88 and @LaurenEKL !
— Tom (@_TomWalpole) May 27, 2016
It’s time for change @BryanSinger & @ianmckellen. We need #LGBT superheroes in #movies#film
— Anthony Watson (@AnthonyWatson) May 31, 2016
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