Gus Kenworthy hits out at Instagram troll for attacking Tyler Oakley
By Josh Lee

Gus Kenworthy came to the defence of YouTuber Tyler Oakley, after an online troll insulted once again that he is a great guy.
The Olympic free skier, who recently celebrated a year since coming out, was at The Grove in Los Angeles on Monday (24th October) with boyfriend Matthew Wilkas and friend Tyler Oakley. He was having so much fun that he wanted to remember the time in an Instagram picture.
In the majority his fans loved it, with the picture getting 19.7k likes.
However, one user took offence to YouTube star, Tyler Oakley being in the picture. @whelanrob wrote a comment on the selfie saying: “You had me until I noticed the YouTube fame whore behind you. Seems he manages to get close to any gay man more famous than himself. Which would really be any of us without a YouTube channel. Dump the Oakley.”
Gus wasn’t having any of that as he replied with: “@whelanrob I consider an attack on my friends as an attack on myself. Tyler is one of the sweetest, funniest most genuine people I’ve ever met. Please leave the negativity off my page. Thank you! ”
It was nearly the talk of the trio as even Tyler Oakley commented to the user writing: “@whelanrob all the love, friend!”
The troll didn’t even get his facts right anyway, Tyler Oakley, who recently won Attitude’s Young Hero Award at the Attitude awards, has 6.7 million followers on Instagram, 5.48 million Twitter and is working with Ellen DeGeneres so is doing pretty well on the fame front.