How to get your partner the perfect Christmas gift
A brand new approach which could help the yearly dilemma! (Sponsored)
By Joshua Haigh

We all want to give our partner something really special, to show we care but also that we ‘get’ what’s important to them and help them achieve what they want from life. It’s even better if we can share the experience with them.
Life’s too short to waste on the ordinary and humdrum – it’s time to do all the things we’ve always wanted to do and why not start next year?
Humdinger means’ extraordinary’ and you can choose a Humdinger Day for your partner or create a Bucket List of Experiences for the two of you – starting on a journey of ‘Super Dates’ together. Sharing special memories is probably the most positive thing you can do as a couple – who needs to just collect more ‘stuff’?
You can Be Big Cat Ranger’s for the Day and care for an amazing array of endangered big cats or Learn to be a Blacksmith and create something unique for your home together.
Challenge yourself to Climb the 3 Peaks – the highest mountains in England, Scotland and Wales, Learn to Joust or go powerboating or on a Treasure Hunt in Classic Mini’s.
It’s not often a completely new approach comes along.
You can find your experiences on the Humdinger Days website, they’re grouped around your personal interests, or suggest your own and your complimentary concierge will arrange this specially for you.
There’s a unique Bucket List feature which enables you to capture in one place the dreams and experiences important to you as a couple. You can share this with friends and family who can see your photos and support you by donating for birthdays, Christmas etc and leaving a message.
One couple told us: “We love the idea of a Bucket List of Super Dates. It’s so important to have fun together, to have things to look forward to and talk about – to do things that are important to both of us.”