Jake Quickenden tells aTEEN: ‘Many have speculated on my sexuality’

Though he didn’t scoop the X Factor title, Jake Quickenden has enjoyed another TV adventure on I’m A Celebrity, which cemented his place in our hearts.
But behind his sparkling smile, dashing looks and cocky swagger lies another Jake. A Jake who has experienced tougher times than most his age, having tragically lost his father and younger brother to cancer. Although their deaths devastated him, Jake, with the support of his family, forced himself to carry on and admirably deal with life in the only way he knew how – by grabbing hold of it in both hands and living it to the max.
In an in-depth interview in the new issue of aTEEN, available to download from today, the young singer opens up about the effects losing his loved ones had on him, where he finds his drive and why we should always believe in our dreams.
Jake, you are a very ambitious guy – where did you get that hunger from?
I remember being back at school and being told that I wouldn’t amount to anything. I felt so angry at the time but it did make me more determined to be successful. I have always wanted more from life. My family always knew that I’d go after the dream.
Now, you’re a handsome guy – how do you want to be perceived?
Thank you. I still struggle with image, I have many an insecurity just like most lads out there. I just want people to know that I’m the guy that works hard and wants to be the best man he can be. I want my family to be proud of me, for the fans to know that I cherish them and their support and I will remain as loyal to them as they have been to me.
You’ve said most people think your gay as you’re pretty camp? Did you ever go through a confused stage in your teens?
A lot of people had speculated about my sexuality and quite honestly I have never batted an eyelid about it. If I was gay, I’d shout it through a megaphone, but no teen experiments for me.
Have you got loads of gay mates? Any declared their undying love for you?
Sadly none of them have declared their undying love for me – apparently I’m not their type.
You’re currently loved up and living with your girlfriend Danielle Fogarty. Because of everything you’ve gone through, do you tend to speed through life so you don’t miss a thing?
Life is to be lived. Anybody that has been through loss will understand what I mean when I say that every day is important. As morbid as it sounds, we have to treat each day as if it is our last. I’ve had a hard time for moving quickly and to sound a bit soppy, I want to create memories every day. I don’t want a day to pass without creating a new memory.
You can read our full interview with Jake in the brand new issue of youth LGBT magazine aTEEN, available to download from today from Pocketmags.com/aTEEN.