Jim Parsons believes people are now more inclusive and open
The Big Bang Theory actor wants to see the next generation to make strides for full equality
By Steve Brown

Jim Parsons believes there is a level of “inclusiveness and openness” to all people nowadays.
The Big Bang Theory star – who married his husband Todd Spiewak last year – hopes the next generation would make strides towards full equality and said it was “moving” to see the younger generation taking to the streets following the Parkland shooting.
He told AM New York: “I was watching back in March, after the Florida school shooting, and it was just so moving to see a younger generation taking to the streets, on their feet, and speaking so eloquently and passionately.
“As a 45-year-old gay man, who’s been able to be an out and working actor, I feel grateful for the time I grew up in, but I feel like there’s a level of inclusiveness and openness to all sorts of human beings that we’ve never seen as a society before.
“Even in our best of times, we’ve never quite known it to the level we might know it in the next 15 or 20 years, as this generation comes into prominence and power.
“You get that impression that you’re dealing with a whole generation that has grown up thinking it’s not okay to slander people for being gay and more recently, slander people for gender fluidity.
“It’s a different world and it sounds like, quite possibly, a better world.”
Parsons is now starring in the new film A Kid Like Jake which focuses on a New York couple and their four-year-old son who has started to exhibit gender non-conforming behaviour.
And the actor said the film makes it ok for people to ask “dumb questions” on something they don’t fully understand.
He said: “It takes a little bit of mystery and a little bit of fear away from a topic that could feel very lonely.
“The movie doesn’t offer any answers of solutions, but what it does it make it ok to ask dumb questions, to fumble with something that you don’t fully understand.
“What you can understand is that as a human being, with the best intentions, you’re still going to slip, fall and fumble and that has to be ok.”