Michelle Williams hits back at ‘Poor Michelle’ blog
By Josh Haggis

Michelle Williams has hit back at the notorious Poor Michelle blog, which mocks her supposed misfortune compared to former bandmates Beyoncé and Kelly Rowland.
The blog prides itself on compiling “all the times Michelle Williams got the short end of the Destiny’s Child stick”, claiming that “the girl just can’t catch a break!”. There is also an accompanying Poor Michelle Twitter account.
It looks as if Williams discovered the #PoorMichelle phenomenon yesterday (April 3), when she took to Twitter to defend herself with a feisty one-liner. She posted:
Meanwhile, today (April 4) Williams has retweeted a post from a supportive fan who is not amused by #PoorMichelle.
Here at attitude.co.uk, we’re wondering who could be behind the blog…
Disclaimer: There is no legal proof whatsoever that Beyoncé has anything to do with the Poor Michelle blog (though she must have had a bit of free time to play around on the internet when she was pregnant a couple of years ago).