Neighbours unveils first look at Aaron and David’s historic wedding
It will be Australia's first gay soap wedding since the introduction of equal marriage last year.
By Will Stroude

Neighbours have given fans their first look at David and Aaron’s historic wedding day.
Newly-released images show popular on-off couple Aaron Brennan (Matt Wilson) and David Tanaka (Takaya Honda) on their big day, which will mark the first same-sex wedding on Australian TV since equal marriage was legalise las December, as well as the first same-sex wedding ceremony in Neighbours’ 33-year history.
To help mark the occasion, Aaron and David, who first got together onscreen in early 2017 before getting engaged earlier this month, will have their wedding officiated by Kath & Kim star and LGBT rights activist Magda Szubanski.
Speaking about the characters’ upcoming nuptials, Matt Wilson, 28, said: “We are both ecstatic to be part of this huge moment in Australian television and it stands alone as the highlight of my career.
“This storyline means a lot to me, to my friends and to all the fans we hear from on a daily basis here and in the UK who love Aaron and David”.
Takaya Honda, 30, added: “It is an absolute privilege to be a part of what is and will be a historic moment in Australian television.
“There have been so many parts of David’s story that have given me a great sense of pride and which have been an absolute honour to portray; from discovering Paul was his dad, to his coming out to now marrying the man of his dreams in what will be the first legal gay wedding on a drama.”
Neighbours’ Executive Producer, Jason Herbison said: “This is a story that we have been working on for a long time, and during that time, our country was trapped in a divisive referendum. Would our story about love and equality even be legal by the time it aired?
“Thankfully love won and we’re very excited for viewers to see this iconic moment come to life on screen.”
David and Aaron’s wedding will be aired in the UK in early September – and on a completely unrelated by no means less important note, if you want to see the eyeful they gave viewers after dropping their towels onscreen this week, simply click here.
Neighbours continues weekdays at 1:45pm and 5:30pm on Channel 5.