Pokémon sex toys… has the craze gone too far?
By Umar Sarwar

Say goodbye to the days of collecting Pokémon cards or throwing virtual Pokéballs around town, because now you can really take on a new Pokemon adventure.
The Australian Esty seller, known as Geeky Sex Toys, has created 4 sex toys inspired by the popular franchise called Pokémoan.
For £155.84 you can “catch ’em all” with a limited edition collectors bundle which has all four of the dildos and a ‘Pokécase’ but be quick, as there is only 50 available.
If that’s not for you then there is the option to choose your favourite starter Pokemon and get them individually.
The dildos are inspired by the three starter Pokemon: Charmander, Bulbasaur (fitting) and Squirtle (oh no, who didn’t think of these sooner really).
Who knows, this might be the beginnings of a new collectable craze . After all, everyone likes a good Beedrill-ing, right?
My childhood is ruined.
Words: Darren Mew
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