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Rich White Ladies : ‘Gay marriage is Wimbledon as f**k!’

By Josh Haggis

Rich White Ladies

Rich White Ladies – aka fierce New Yorkers Scotty Rebel and Tokyo Diiva – took the web by storm last month (June) when they released their sassy viral smash Wimbledon. As soon as I heard this super-catchy rap track, with its ridiculous/brilliant hook “You are so bull-bullshit – we are so Wimbledon”, I knew we’d all want to know more about them, so I fired over some questions to the ladies asap.

If you had to tell someone who the Rich White Ladies are, and what they stand for, what would you say?
Tokyo Diiva: “Tokyo Diiva & Scotty Rebel are the Rich White Ladies. We are “RICH” in abundance. We are “WHITE” because we are the brightest light in the industry, and “LADIES”… well, we are still working on the lady part!”

How did the song Wimbledon come about?
Tokyo Diiva: “We basically went to the studio of [former Gaga support band] Semi Precious Weapons, where we did the entire album. They told us basically that Wimbledon is the new black. The band’s lead singer, Justin Tranter, is actually a really good tennis player and put me to work when I wrote my verses, and schooled me on Monica Seles and Billie Jean King. I poured a glass of whiskey and coke, went on Google for at least an hour, then I got to work on the verses.”
Scotty Rebel:Wimbledon was the first track we have recorded in two years! Semi Precious Weapons had the concept and we went to work. We agreed Wimbledon is very us, very Rich White Ladies – in other words, fabulous.”

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A lot of the coverage Wimbledon received online was from the gay press – did you expect the gay community to react so positively to the track?
Tokyo Diiva: “I actually feel like a gay man trapped in a woman’s body, so I’m not surprised at all! Honestly, the gay community has always showed support. I would always go to the gay clubs in New York with one of my friends, Omar Alexander, who styled the Wimbledon video, and I would get recognised there more than anywhere else. The gay community is very smart in the musical acts they support because they love anything fierce and fearless, and I would love to think of us as both of those things.”

You’ve both released great solo material in the past – one of my favourite tracks of the past few years is the Tokyo Diiva track Fashion Freaks (Fuck Food). Will we be seeing you rework anything you’ve recorded separately into Rich White Ladies material?
Tokyo Diiva: “Aww, thank you so much, that really means a lot to me! Everything I’ve done in the past has been independent and without a label or management so it really feels good to be recognised and appreciated! I guess it depends, you have to give the kids what they want! If it was requested, I would love to do it. Scotty and I have actually performed Fashion Freaks (Fuck Food) a few times and it’s actually just as dope together so I would be down.”

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I feel like the London gay scene would embrace you with open arms – will you be coming to the UK any time soon?
Tokyo Diiva: “I feel like it sounds like one of our favorite places already! We are anywhere we are requested so maybe you should set that up, wink wink!”

When will we hear more music from you?
Scotty Rebel: “We have a new song getting ready to flood the internet within the next week called Love is For the WEEK.”
Tokyo Diiva:  “We actually have the entire album done and then some extra bonus tracks we plan on releasing, so it’s about to be Rich White Ladies overload, fortunately!

Nicki Minaj recently took a swipe at rap artists who don’t write their own lyrics – supposedly a dig aimed at Iggy Azalea. What’s your opinion on that? 
Tokyo Diiva: “There’s way too much sunlight in the world to be shady.”

Now it’s time for a little game – I’m going to say some names, and I want you to say whether you think they’re “Wimbledon” or “Bullshit”.

Iggy Azalea.
Rich White Ladies: “Anyone with that body, Wimbledon.”

The Queen?
Rich White Ladies: “Wimbledon, DUH!”

Ariana Grande?
Rich White Ladies: “Anyone with that voice, Wimbledon.”

Rich LadiesRussia?
Rich White Ladies: “Their Nightlife and people, Wimbledon. Current political situation, bullshit.”

Rich White Ladies: “Do you even need to ask? WIMBLEDON!”

Gay marriage?
Rich White Ladies: “Wimbledon as FUCK!”

Nicki Minaj?
Tokyo Diiva: “Wim…”
Scotty Rebel: *Cricket sounds*

Hilary Clinton?
Rich White Ladies: “WIMBLEDON!”

Rich White Ladies: “Totes Wimbledon.”

This interview?
Rich White Ladies: “Wim ble ble ble ble ble ble donnnnnnn!”

Do you follow the British music scene? If so, who would you say is your favourite British performer?
Scotty Rebel: “I have to say the late Amy Winehouse! Her talent was raw! I’ve got to say I also live for Adele and Jessie J.”
Tokyo Diiva: “I’m actually really into Do I Wanna Know by Arctic Monkeys. Vintage performers wise, I would say Queen is my all time favourite, and I love David Bowie. Oh, and the Spice Girls! Sex Pistols are fearless and I love their image too. I can go on for days but I’ll spare you.”

If you were a Spice Girl, which would you be?
Scotty Rebel: “Scary Spice! I lived for her wild hair and wilder outfits.”
Tokyo Diiva: “Tokki Spice!! I would so just have to be added to the group as the sixth member, just saying.”

Check out Rich White Ladies on Facebook here.