Rufus Wainwright speaks to Attitude: ‘English men are so enticing!’
By Nick Bond

Singer, songwriter, musician, composer of soundtracks and operas, setter of Shakespeare sonnets to music, Judy Garland tribute act… It’s impossible to pigeonhole Rufus Wainwright, which is why the 41-year-old iconoclast tells Attitude’s Simon Button he’s a good fit for the first-ever concert series at the Royal Chelsea Hospital next month.
What are you planning for your Live At Chelsea show?
I’ll be solo at the piano and on the guitar, but I am planning on having some special guests come up and say ‘Hi’ – and those will be announced soon. I’m in the process of writing a new opera, doing music for movies and working on the Shakespeare sonnets so there’s a real cross-section of classical and pop in there.
Do you realise you’re making history as shows have never been staged there before?
Wow! I didn’t know that. It’s amazing. Wow! I know it’s a very hallowed and respected institution so I feel proud to be supporting it, but I tend to be a good fit to sort of crack open new ideas because there’s no way really to box me in. Nobody can tell if I’m a pop person, an opera person or a Judy Garland impersonator. I’m a good first-try because I know how to roll with the punches.
The Royal Hospital is home to the Chelsea Pensioners, so how do you envision your own dotage?
[Laughs] I don’t. Mind you, I was just in Palm Springs in California hanging out with an older friend who is retired out there and I realised it’s probably where I’ll end up because it’s full of old gay men who can’t stand the cold. I think it just boils down to that: Sexuality and which temperature you can take.
England has become like a second home for you. Is there anything you particularly like about UK audiences?
The one thing I adore about UK audiences is that they’re incredibly loyal. I’ve been coming to the UK for around 30 years at this point, since I was a kid, and there’s always someone there to greet me. And I always get to play fabulous venues, like this new one. So thank you!
And, even though you’re married to Jorn Welsbrodt and therefore spoken for, what do you think about British men?
I have to say I have quite a soft spot for them. I’m always a little bit nervous when I’m on the island because they’re so enticing. I don’t think I could be in a relationship with one though because it would just be too exciting.
How are you finding being a dad to your daughter Viva?
I’m loving it. It’s never dull. It’s certainly exhausting but never dull. The sad part is that everything else seems kind of trivial, whether it’s going to bars or hanging out at concerts and stuff. It’s a double-edged sword but it’s fun.
As an out gay singer do you feel you’ve helped pave the way for people like Sam Smith?
Well, it is easier now than it has been in the past, but I do get a little bit annoyed when people say ‘Now we have out gay performers whereas before we hadn’t’. I have to raise my hand and say ‘I was there, I was out and I was in the mainstream so what about me?’ Maybe I did make it easier, although I wasn’t the only person in that process. I guess we were pioneers but I don’t know, there’s such an incredible history of gay people in the arts that goes back thousands of years. There’s a long, hallowed tradition that I’ve felt proud to be part of.
You once had a cameo on Absolutely Fabulous. Will we be seeing you in the movie?
Are they doing a movie of it now? I didn’t know about it but I’d love to be in it. I’m going to call my agent right after this interview.
Having fabulously recreated Judy Garland’s Carnegie Hall concert, are there any other icons you’d like to tackle next?
No, I don’t think so. I think Judy was my one and only on that score and I intend on doing it again around the tenth anniversary of my rendition.
And who would be your dream duet?
Ooh! I’d love to do something with Annie Lennox. I think we’d be an interesting pairing. [Laughs] We could get all Scottish.
Is there a new pop album on the horizon?
I’m always writing pop songs but at the moment I’m neck-deep in opera work.
You’re the ultimate multi-tasker, but what are you rubbish at?
Unfortunately I can’t be a great ballet dancer at this point. I’ve come to that conclusion. Nor a hunky fireman. But you can’t win all the battles. Although if I focus on the legs maybe I could be a ballet dancer from the waist down.
Rufus Wainwright performs at the Royal Hospital Chelsea on June 12th as part of the Live At Chelsea concert series. Damien Rice performs on the 13th and Alison Moyet on the 14th. For more information visit