Scary Spice Melanie B turns 40 today! 10 reasons we love her
By Nick Bond

The second-youngest Spice Girl, Scary Spice Melanie B, turns the big 4-0 today. To celebrate, we’re looking at 10 reasons why we love us some Scary Spice.
1. She’s a woman who knows what she wants.
2 . She’s responsible for one of the most iconic hairstyles of the 90s: DEM HORNZ.
3. She wrote a whole song about changing her name to ‘Mel G.’
Remember that brief, late-90s period when Mel B married backup dancer Jimmy Gulzar and changed her name to ‘Mel G’? She immortalised the union in this b-side (with Emma on backing vocals, Spice fans). “Changed my name from the B to the G, so my hubby can get with me.” Err Mel, you were preggers at the wedding, we think your hubby was already getting with you long before you made it official!
4. After they broke up she released a kick-arse break-up anthem.
Sing it now: “And all you loved was Mel B’s moneyyyyy.”
5. Her iconic ‘YIPPEEEE! at the start of solo career highlight Feels So Good.
There it is, 21 seconds into this gold-plated Janet Jackson-esque pop song. Attentive fans will notice Mel still occasionally throws out a ‘Yippee!’ on social media when she’s excited about something – #selfreferentialspice
6. She’s never one to shy away from a product placement or two.
The Spice Girls were about freedom, rebellion – and constant, far-reaching product placement. Pleasingly, Mel B’s brought that same ethos into her post-Spice career. Who could forget her Costa Bingo ads? “Jackpots so big, they’re scary!” Get dem coins, girl.
7. She lezzed off WITH HERSELF in a music video:
Many a female pop star has flirted with same-sex lovin’ to generate a bit of controversy – but how many can say they’ve pashed THEMSELVES? Melanie B does, just casually breaking new ground here in the video for 2013 single For Once In My Life.
8. Her most recent song was a rap about Weetabix:
*See number five.
9. Her undisputed position as Chief Spice Girls Rapper.
“Every time I turn around you’re standing right there
I really don’t want you and I really don’t care
I can’t think about you no not forever
What we had was good but there’s much more better”
10. She’s, like, the world’s biggest Spice Girls fan.
After the girls reunited for the Olympics, she didn’t want the Spice Dream to end – so didn’t take off her trademark leopard-print catsuit until the NEXT DAY. Last Halloween, she dressed up as SCARY SPICE (see incredible Spiceception pic above). Think you’re a Spice Girls megafan? Trust us, Mel’s a bigger one.
Happy birthday, Mel B. We hope you’re celebrating with a nice bacon butty cake.