Sony hack reveals Spider-Man not allowed to be gay
By Nick Bond

A newly-leaked email from the ongoing Sony Hack shows an agreement between Sony and comic giant Marvel stipulating a list of strict rules regarding the presentation of superhero Spider-Man on the big screen.
As reported by Gawker, the list of ‘mandatory character traits’ stipulates that mild-mannered Peter Parker must not smoke, use illegal drugs, or abuse alcohol. He’s also “not a homosexual.” In case you didn’t grasp it the first time, the list later reiterates: “He is Caucasian and heterosexual.”
Get it? Not gay. Straight. No homo.
While many of the banned character traits make a lot of sense – nobody wants to see a drunk Spider-Man, jacked up on illegal drugs and torturing rather than outwitting his enemies – a few of these would be welcome additions to spice up the rather staid Spider-Man franchise, we think.
Marvel, Sony: Throw caution to the wind and give the people a gay Spider-Man reboot!