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Walking Dead sparks homophobic viewer backlash over gay kiss

By Attitude Magazine

Popular TV series The Walking Dead sparked a string of homophobic tweets from viewers after airing a scene featuring a gay kiss between two characters.

Despite both the TV series and the comic book upon which it is based having featured gay characters in the past, the quick, chaste gay kiss caused an uproar from some viewers, apparently more comfortable watching brain-eating zombies on their screens than a brief male lip-lock. Here’s just a sample of the offensive tweets that followed:


Here’s a picture of the blink-and-you’ll-miss-it peck, filmed under such low lighting you can barely make it out. Remember now, this is a show that has as its supporting cast a horde of flesh-eating zombies who tear the living limb-from-limb with their bare hands and devour their gizzards. But no, THIS is what grossed out viewers:
