Watch: Ian McKellen & Patrick Stewart recite Taylor Swift lyrics
By Will Stroude

We’ll say it now: Sir Ian McKellen and Sir Patrick Stewart reciting Taylor Swift lyrics is the most uplifting audio experience of 2015.
Both halves of favourite celebrity bromance have recorded themselves delivering lyrics from Swifty’s Bad Blood and Blank Space, before adorably tweeting the singer to ask if they could be the latest addition to her high-powered circle of friends.
While Stewart gave a rousing rendition of Blank Space for NPR’s Ask Me Another podcast, his X-Men co-star McKellen tackled Bad Blood for Yahoo! Movies. Goodbye Stephen Fry audio tapes, there’s a new duo in town…
So @IanMcKellen recited Bad Blood and I did Blank Space on @NPRAskMeAnother. May we join the squad, @taylorswift13?
— Patrick Stewart (@SirPatStew) July 16, 2015
Understandably, Taylor was just as impressed as the rest of us, confirming that the pair had made the cut yesterday (July 16).
“You’ve made my day”, the 25-year-old wrote. “You two are my ULTIMATE Squad Goals”.
OURS TOO. And Taylor, if there’s not a new Bad Blood video cut where Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen dress up in leather catsuits and fire a grenade launcher next to Karlie Kloss in the pipeline, you’ll have us to answer to…
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