Watch | Justin Bieber tells Ellen what he thought of his full-frontal photos
By Will Stroude

Justin Bieber has told Ellen DeGeneres just what he made of the pictures of him letting it all hang out while on holiday in Bora Bora last month.
As well his video for new track ‘I’ll Show You’ – in which the 21-year-old somewhat unwisely mixes water with a pair of tight white Calvin Kleins – JB’s recent full-frontals were up for discussion during the his appearance on the comic’s daytime talkshow this week – and he doesn’t seem too embarrassed about what we were all witness to.
Bieber, who previously said he felt “super-violated” by the incident, admits he had no idea there were paparazzi lurking nearby, and that he was only made aware of the photos’ existence after a friend alerted him to them a couple of days later.
“The first thing I saw was the censored one, with the black thing over it, and I thought, ‘Oh my goodness, I don’t know what this is going to look like…’ he tells DeGeneres, before adding knowingly: “It wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be”.
To which Ellen replies: “Well, I’m not expert but I heard that it was good.”
Meanwhile, Bette Midler recently tweeted a typically brilliant response to the news that The Biebs has “no idea” who she is – click here to find out more.
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