Watch | Steve Grand reveals what kind of guy drives him wild

American singer Steve Grand has released a new video online, revealing that the men who send him wild have also broken his heart along the way.
Published to YouTube, the ‘All American Boy’ singer says after several years of dating men, he has noticed a trend within himself to “fall for the quiet guys”.
“And by quiet I don’t necessarily mean shy,” he says.
“I’m talking about the strong, quietly confident guy who maybe says less but says it a little softer, and in a way that keeps you hanging onto every word.”
While the 25-year-old says his attraction to quieter men had led to some disappointment and some heartbreak, he had also learnt from these relationships.
“Now that I know from experience, I’m gonna go, ‘Steve you’re falling for someone really fast, what am I going to do?’
“And I’m going to say to myself: ‘Steve, just because this person is quiet, doesn’t necessarily mean that they are deep and dark and mysterious and could get with you to your crazy place’.
“I’m going to take a step back and I’m going to do this.”
You can watch the entire video below:
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