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Wealth of unseen footage from Madonna’s ‘Rain’ video leaks

By Nick Bond

Madonna’s not been having much luck with leaks lately, has she?

Thankfully, unlike the damaging leaks from her Rebel Heart sessions, the latest treasures emerging from the Queen of Pop’s HQ aren’t in the form of unreleased new music but rather historical goodies.


Fans couldn’t believe their luck earlier this week when almost 40 minutes of unused B-roll footage from arguably her most iconic video, Vogue, emerged online. To non-fans, it was probably about as exciting as watching paint dry, but to Madonna devotees it was a fascinating look at the Queen of Pop back in 1990, smack bang in the middle of her Imperial Phase.

Now, similar footage has emerged from another of Madonna’s most recognisable videos – the blue-hued Rain, a rare reflective moment from 1992’s Erotica. Check out some 37 minutes of Rainy goodness below:

While fans are being given these rare chances to look back at Madonna’s past, she herself is still looking ahead: She’s currently busy in rehearsals for her Rebel Heart World Tour, which opens in Vancouver in September. So far Madonna’s been teasing some surprising setlist choices, while a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it cameo by some pole dancing nuns shows she hasn’t lost her ability to shock.