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‘It’s me in drag, innit?’: Jane McDonald on loving La Voix, The Vivienne and Baga Chipz

Exclusive: She’s the TV stalwart with the powerhouse voice and the personality to match. But how did Yorkshire’s finest fare in our She's Got Attitude fabulousness quiz? Fabulously, of course!

By Jamie Tabberer

Jane McDonald against a pink backdrop
Jane McDonald appears in issue 361 of Attitude, out now (Image: Päl Hansen)

What is your favourite life lesson from your new book, Let the Light In?

Just to take control of your own life. One thing I found from writing this book was all the problems I blamed everybody else for were all mine. We tend to blame others. ‘I can’t believe he’s done that! How could they do that to me?!’ The common denominator is me — that’s what I realised. Take control and focus on what you really want. That’s the hardest thing: what do you really want? 

What we want is Jane as our life coach forevermore.

Top tip for conquering anxiety?

We all get it. I tend to get off social media. Get off the phone. Put it down; go for a walk. Put on some tunes — something that’ll make you feel good. Watch something that lifts your spirits. And find out what’s making you anxious and deal with it. I sit down and go, ‘Why am I feeling like this? Ah, it’s that.’ It can be something like a phone call that’s a week away, and you think, ‘Why am I worrying about that?!’

For some ridiculous reason, Attitude felt this way about this very phone call. And it turns out, it’s one of our favourite phone interviews we’ve ever done!

How can you learn to love yourself?

A difficult one. Concentrate on the bits that are really good. Ask your mates — they’ll be honest. For me, it’s my legs and my shoulders. The rest of me, forget it.

But she’s a goddess.

Jane smiling in an orange jumper
“If somebody says they don’t like you, who cares? I’m not bothered” – Jane McDonald (Image: Päl Hansen)

Which member of the LGBTQ+ community is close to your heart?

Adele Roberts. I absolutely love her. She’s done more for me with the community than I ever could have imagined. I didn’t understand the reactions that things like my TV shows, my concerts, had until Adele actually explained it. She’s been such a light for me in that community. All respect to her for what she’s been [through]. I love her to bits. She’s an amazing person, and I’m proud to have her as a fan.

Adele, of course, is a member of the Attitude family.

Favourite Spice Girl and why?

You can’t. It’s like picking your favourite child. I love them all, and I know them, so I can’t. I suppose Emma Bunton, because I worked with her on Loose Women. And Mel B. I know those two more than the others. Mel… it’s got to be Mel, hasn’t it. She’s a Leeds lass, a Yorkshire girl! And she’s fiery and says what she means! And she wears leopard print. I met them in the 90s. I think my first encounter with them was on Zoe Ball’s show. We both had albums out. They were fantastic.

Basically, she’s the sixth Spice Girl.

Can you quote a line from: 
a) Mean Girls 
b) Ab Fab 
c) The first episode of Cruising with Jane?

a) “Nice wig, Janis. What’s it made of?” Janis: “Your mom’s chest hair!” I love that line.  
b) “Why does everything you wear look like it’s bearing a grudge? You’ve got a wardrobe full of little murderers.” We’ve all got them. 
c) [On the size of the ship] “It’s that big, you can’t fit it on the screen! I’ve seen a few in my time, but this is massive!” 
We’re here for the obscure Mean Girls quote. 5/5 

What’s the most fabulous thing about being in your 60s?

That you just don’t care. You have no filter. You say what you want because you’re not bothered about offending people. And you don’t get offended. If somebody says they don’t like you, who cares? I’m not bothered.
Agreed — although we desperately want Jane to like us.

Who is your favourite drag queen?

La Voix — I’ve worked with her. I love The Vivienne — hard worker, brilliant. And Baga Chipz because, well, it’s me in drag, innit?!

We want Baga Chipz and Jane McDonald: a double act in the vein of Roxie and Velma.

This is an excerpt from an interview in the Attitude Awards issue 2024. To read the full interview, order your copy now or check out the Attitude app. Let the Light In, the new book from Jane McDonald, is out now.