Queens of pop who have been interviewed by Attitude, part one: from Lady Gaga to Dua Lipa
"It's entirely a right to be able to love who you want" Dua told us in her Attitude cover interview during her Future Nostalgia era

“I’m not nearly as protective of my fame as I am protective of my fans and their justice as LGBT youth.” So said Born This Way-era Lady Gaga in a cover interview with Attitude in 2013… And you just know Mother Monster meant it to her core.
(And because we’re basic bitches, we also loved what Gaga had to say about Madonna mixing ‘Born This Way’ with ‘Express Yourself’ on her MDNA Tour… read on immediately to find out more!)
As Attitude celebrates 30 years in publishing this month, we’re delving into our archive, and this week, we’re remembering some of the fabulous female singers we’ve spoken to who have ruled the charts with the help of their ‘Big Gay Following’, to cite a former regular interview slot in the mag. Enjoy!

Lady Gaga on her relationship with Madonna
“Madonna Ciccone was singing my song on stage and I’m 27! As a punk rocker from New York, I’ve basically been hoping that I would become so good that one day I would piss off Madonna!” – issue 238

Dua Lipa on finding her voice
“While I was creating my first record [2017’s self-titled Dua Lipa], when I would go into the studio sessions, I felt like I needed to prove to the people I was going in the room with that I could write and that I do this myself and that I am an artist, [that] I’m not just going to sit there in the room and wait for somebody to write a song for me” – issue 329

Cher on her son Chaz’s transition
“The day we really talked about it seriously, I said – if you have to do this then you really have to do it. The way I always explain it, if I woke up in a man’s body, I’d think – ‘Oh my god, I have to get out’ and that is how Chaz felt” – issue 237
Kylie Minogue on taking risks
“To the public, me and my career might seem like it’s all very straight. But actually, I think I have taken risks. And my hardcore fans like me to do that. But if I go too far beyond, I think I’ll definitely know about it, I like that I get that reaction. Let’s call it passion!” – issue 193

Girls Aloud
“Do we drive each other mad? Of course we do. I drive them kerr-azy. I know I do. And so does Sarah. We’re always late and the others are relatively on time. Sometimes they’ll not say anything, or other times they’ll be shouting and bawling like: ‘Fuck. You’re late. Again.’ And I have to stand there quietly saying: ‘Right. OK.’ Or, if I’m in a bad mood, I’ll be screaming back. And you’re arguing about noting. Because you’re both so tired … We’re allowed to crack up with one another” – Nadine Coyle, issue 172

Diana Ross on the magic of the studio
“In the studio, the energy is in thought. Concentrating on the feelings behind the words. This is what needs to be generated throughout the session. As much as recording is part of the business, I have to admit it’s the performing, the play, that is really comforting to me. And I don’t want to give it up” – issue 5
Pas Paschali, associate editor, May 1994–March 1995; editor, April 1995–June 1996, on securing Diana’s Attitude cover
“During the summer of 1994, Northern & Shell boss Richard Desmond suddenly demanded a Diana Ross interview. We […] we sprang into action. We secured the use of some stunning images from fashion photographer Inez van Lamsweerde: monochrome shots of Ross looking coolly gamine, her hair slicked back à la Josephine Baker. We’d heard that celebrity interviewer Chrissie Iley had recently been to the US to meet Ross, so I called round to Chrissie’s flat, and negotiated a deal for the use of her interview. With justifiable pride we presented the results to Desmond and his team. He stared at the pics. We held our breath. “Hmmm,” he said, “when people visualise Diana Ross, they see her with big hair. These pics don’t look like her.” We gulped. What did all his yes- men think? They agreed with Desmond. Again, we argued, but nothing doing. So, we got a stock image of Ross with her characteristic big hair to grace the cover of the September 1994 issue. An own goal for the publicity-hungry Desmond: the van Lamsweerde front cover would have caused a sensation.”

Beth Ditto on femininity
“It was really hard for me to come out the closet as a femme and I know that sounds crazy. But there were [only] so many ways to be the right kind of dyke. I was suppressing that side of myself, the femininity, the person who was really interested in fashion” – issue 108
Kelly Rowland on her gay fans
“[Our gay following] grew when we grew. I think that was actually really cool to watch. I felt like there were so many songs that empowered our gay fans. It was really important to me to continue that connection. It was important to Beyonce, it was important to Michelle. … I noticed that with ‘When Love Takes Over’ my gay fan base grew. I’m not just saying this, because I don’t have to, but I feel the most love when I’m at the gay clubs. For me, I’ve never felt so much love in one room. It’s so beautiful” – issue 193

Spice Girls
“We’re eating chips — that’s funny! I stole that hat. … I didn’t start off my sexual journey going, “I’m this, I’m that, I’m bisexual.” I was, and always will be, very open. I happened to fall in love with a woman and was with her for five years. We still talk to this day. I don’t want to put a label on it, but I’ve always thought women are beautiful” – Mel B recently reflecting on her sexuality and the band’s 1998 Attitude cover, issue 53