Show me the receipts: Ricky Gervais’s history of LGBTQ-related statements revisited
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Part of the UK’s cultural furniture for decades, After Life star Ricky Gervais has gone global since joining the Netflix comedy family. But just how upstanding an ally is this stand-up?
In the latest issue of Attitude – out now – we took a look at the comedian’s LGBTQ record and well, it wasn’t stunning.
In it, the comedian, who has defended his ability to target anyone in his so-called jokes, continues to target trans people. Since its release, Armageddon has been blasted as “lazy comedy” by The Independent. Meanwhile, Variety described the special as “a total bore” and likened Gervais to a “drunk uncle stiltedly paraphrasing Newsmax quotes over Christmas dinner.”
All we can say is that the backlash has also helped a 2019 skit from comedian James Acaster to go viral where he talks about “edgy comedians,” like Gervais, targeting the trans community. Other comedians would include Dave Chappelle, who has also targeted trans and disabled people in his latest special, The Dreamer.
Anyway, here’s our assessment of Gervais and where he stands in relation to the LGBTQ community.
❌ January 2011
While hosting the Golden Globes, Gervais mocks Jim Carrey and Ewan McGregor’s gay-themed film, I Love You Phillip Morris, which he says features “two heterosexual actors pretending to be gay, so the complete opposite of some famous Scientologists then.” We’re also here for reads of straight actors playing gay, and of the Church of Scientology. But this is just clumsy. And mocking the closeted? Never funny.
✅ March 2014
Following the introduction of marriage equality in the UK, Gervais tweets: “Same-sex marriage isn’t just a victory for gay people. It’s a victory for all of us. ANYTHING that promotes equality, promotes progress.” Cute.
❌ January 2016
While again hosting the Golden Globes, Gervais deadnames Caitlyn Jenner, who had publicly transitioned the year before. “What a year she’s had!” Gervais said. “She became a role model for trans people everywhere, showing great bravery in breaking down barriers and destroying stereotypes. She didn’t do a lot for women drivers. But you can’t have everything, can ya? Not at the same time.” (Jenner was involved in a car accident the previous February that left one woman dead. No charges were imposed against Jenner.)
❌ January 2020
Four years later, Gervais defends his old joke about Jenner, telling The Hollywood Reporter: “I was very careful that the joke was about her being a bad driver. The joke was about stereotypes. I started off being correctly inclusive, saying she’s brave, breaking down barriers. And then I [said] she didn’t do a lot for women drivers.”
❌ May 2022
Four minutes into his Netflix comedy special SuperNature, Gervais ‘jokes’: “Oh, women! Not all women, I mean the old-fashioned ones. The old-fashioned women, the ones with wombs. Those fucking dinosaurs. I love the new women. They’re great, aren’t they? The new ones we’ve been seeing lately. The ones with beards and cocks. They’re as good as gold, I love them. And now the old-fashioned ones say, ‘Oh, they want to use our toilets.’ ‘Why shouldn’t they use your toilets?’ ‘For ladies!’ ‘They are ladies — look at their pronouns! What about this person isn’t a lady?’ ‘Well, his penis.’ ‘Her penis, you fucking bigot!’ ‘What if he rapes me?’ ‘What if she rapes you, you fucking TERF whore!’”
❌ May 2022
Actually, we’re not done with the Netflix special. He also said: “Full disclosure: in real life, of course I support trans rights. I support all human rights, and trans rights are human rights. Live your best life. Use your preferred pronouns. Be the gender that you feel you are. But meet me halfway, ladies. Lose the cock. That’s all I’m saying.” Hugely problematic statements are just another day at the office for Gervais.
❌ December 2023
More than a year after SuperNature we get Armageddon, Gervais’s latest Netflix special. As well as returning to mock trans people Gervais also mocks people who identify as ‘queer’. “Traditionally the word ‘queer’ used to mean someone who is attracted to the same sex as themselves, a gay man. Now the word ‘queer’ can mean a straight man who wants some attention,” says Gervais. ‘Queer’ identity doesn’t just mean gay and once again it’s a lazy take on the subject. Elsewhere Gervais also mocks homeless people, immigrants, and disabled people.