11 Stars you may have forgotten are Bisexual, celebrated on Bi Visibility Day

It’s Bi Visility day!
Since 1999 the 23rd September has grown Celebrate Bisexual Day and Bi Pride Day to evolve into ‘Bi Visibility Day’, recognising and celebrating bisexual people all over the world and reminding them of support available and inclusivity in society.
We celebrate some of the world’s most famous celebrities who are, coincidentally, bisexual. Past and present, our list of Hollywood’s hotties may just have a few surprises for you.
Angelina Jolie.
In the media currently in wake of filing from divorce from Mr Smith himself, Brad Pitt, Angelia Jolie is battling scandal and crazier stories are only rising in one of the biggest celebrity new stories of the year. But did you know that soon-to-be Ms. Smith herself is famously bisexual? And now she’s back on the market, could there be two Mrs. Smith’s in the future?
Frank Ocean.
Phenomenon Ocean caused a storm when he announced via Tumblr of a Summer romance with a man. “I was 19 years old. He was too” Frank wrote online, “We spent that summer, and the summer after, together. Everyday almost. And on the days we were together, time would glide. Most of the day I’d see him, and his smile. I’d hear his conversation and his silence… until it was time to sleep. Sleep I would often share with him. By the time I realized I was in love, it was malignant. It was hopeless.”
SO romantic. And following the unveiling of heartfelt poem ‘Boyfriend’ as part of promotional material for latest album ‘Blonde‘, Frank’s assured and confident display of his sexuality is changing the game and breaking boundaries of R’n’B.
Tom Hardy.
Yes, you read that correctly. If you didn’t already know, former Attitude cover star Tom has previously admitted to experimenting with men in his younger years (aren’t they the lucky ones? Sigh) and despite claiming he’s “not into men sexually”, has also claimed that “there are things in a relationship, especially with a gay man, that I need.”
Check out the heartthrob’s sexiest moments right here.
Alan Cumming.
Upcoming Attitude Awards 2016 Host Alan Cumming (Burlesque, Cabaret, Spice World) has previously been married to actress Hilary Lyon before current marriage to graphic artist Grant Shaffer. The two entered into a civil partnership in 2007 and tied the knot in New York in 2012. He previously disclosed why he can’t shake his bisexual label earlier this year.
Singer and Kesha (no longer Ke$ha) revealed in 2013 that she doesn’t “love men, I love people” explaining “I wouldn’t say I’m gay or straight -– I don’t like labeling things anyway. I just like people.” With her love life taking a back seat in recent times due to a lawsuit against Producer Dr Luke, is love on the horizon for Kesha now she’s began touring/helping gay couples propose again?
Josh Hutchinson.
During an interview with OUT magazine in 2014, Josh (The Hunger Games) revealed “I really love women. But I think defining yourself as 100 percent anything is kind of near-sighted and close-minded.” How blessed we are on this day.
James Dean.
The man, the legend who inspired Taylor Swift’s hit ‘Style’ (‘James Dean, day dream, white tee shirt), we can only imagine the resulting song if mystery hunk (wink) the song inspired left her for ANOTHER MAN. We love a good gossip, we’re sure it would be a hoot. But yes, anyway, when Mr Dean was questioned of his experimental attitude to sexuality in 1954 he told the interviewer “Well, I’m certainly not going through life with one hand tied behind my back.”
Sexy, rich and potentially available?! We can now officially be one of those people who scream ‘we wish we were born in a different time!’
Jared Leto.
Famously quoted as ‘not fucking Colin Farrell when he had the chance’, Jared Leto has said he’s as ‘gay as a goose’, and has had his manhood infamously referenced in 2014 by late star Alexis Arquette. During a Q & A two years ago, Alexis claimed “I had sex with Jared Leto back when I was presenting as a male,” she revealed. “And, yes, it’s not only massive; it’s like a Praetorian Guard’s helmet.” Oh my.
Our very own MILF (which apparently now means ‘Mom’s I’d Like To Follow’???) revealed in 2009 to The Sun that she played for both teams, five years after meeting her now-husband Josh Duhamel. Coincidentally, the couple married the same year. Got ideas have we, Josh?
Hands up if you think we should start a petition for a ‘Glamorous’esque song where Fergie teaches us all how to spell ‘B-I-S-E-X-U-A-L-I-T-Y.!
Sia has stated in previous interviews that she falls in love with ‘people, not genders’. A flawless voice, iconic performer and one of our own? ICON.
Drew Barrymore.
Everyone’s favourite child-star turned wild-child turned leading lady Drew Barrymore has had us captivated in over 30 roles she’s played throughout the years. Her personal life has attracted almost as much attention as her professional career, formerly being known as ‘Hollywood’s Youngest Alcoholic’ (there’s an award for the mantelpiece, eh?). Drew admitted she was bisexual in 2003.
“Do I like women sexually? Yes, I do. Totally”. You go Drew Barrymore.