Adorable Pantene ad featuring trans child and her lesbian mothers warms hearts
"I'm always telling Sawyer to never hide who she is"

Words: Jamie Tabberer; picture: Pantene
Pantene has released a new advert featuring a trans child and her lesbian mothers.
The shampoo manufacturer recently uploaded the video to Twitter in anticipation of International Transgender Day of Visibility on 31 March.
In the video – titled ‘Sawyer & Ashley on the power of visibility’ on YouTube – a little girl called Sawyer and her mothers Ellie and Ashley share their story.
“I’m always telling Sawyer to never hide who she is”
“Sawyer is an old soul,” Ashley explains. “Sawyer also happens to be a transgender girl.”
She adds: “I remember the first time she was out in the community, wearing the clothing she wanted, and her hair. She kind of was herself and that was the first day I saw her.”
Hair is a large part of our identity. And for LGBTQ+ youth like Sawyer, who choose to express themselves, their style, & their creativity through their hair style, it can help them feel seen.
Catch up with Sawyer and her mom Ashley & see how this family is #BeautifulLGBTQ 🌈💞
— Pantene Pro-V (@Pantene) March 15, 2021
“She has always been super gender creative, and hair has been a big part of her transition,” Ashley continues. “Once she told us that she identified as a girl, she immediately wanted to grow her hair out.”
Sawyer then explains: “It made me feel good and confident and made my insides match my outsides.”
“I’m always telling Sawyer to never hide who she is,” Ashley adds. “Never be afraid to step out and exist as the person that she is.”
As part of Pantene’s Beautiful LGBTQ families campaign, the company will donate $1 to LGBTQ organisation Family Equality (up to $100,000) for every family photo shared using the hashtag #BeautifuLGBTQ on social media.
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