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Content creator Andy Lee on running a ‘university’ for straight guys doing gay for pay

Lee has established a 'university' where he teaches other men, both gay and straight, how to promote their content to a gay male audience

By Gary Grimes

Andy Lee
Andy Lee (Image: @do_it_like_andy/Instagram)

Andy Lee, a popular OnlyFans creator, has opened what he refers to as a ‘porn star university’ in Cambridgeshire where he is teaching other aspiring performers how to conquer OnlyFans.

The Irish hunk, who is straight, has become something of a sensation on the platform in recent years, mostly thanks to his amateur style content he films with his real life straight friends. At the ‘university’, he is teaching other men, both gay and straight, how to find their niche and promote their content to a gay male audience.

The Porn Star University is the subject of a new mini-documentary from All Out podcast host Jon Dean. In the documentary, Dean travels to Cambridgeshire to visit the university and meet some of its students.

“A lot of people think they know what to do. They think it’s taking feet pics and posting ’em online, but it’s not,” Lee explains to Dean on a recent episode of the podcast. “To be successful, it’s not that, there’s a lot to it. Even learning how to use the tripod properly, learning how to film properly, use the camera, use editing, even the software, anything.

“And then there’s the legality side of doing social media and porn and everything. You need to have consent, you need to know about consent. You need to know about what people do and don’t want, your audience, what sort of porn you want to do.”

At the university, Lee has built a number of different sets which his students can use for free to film their own content. These include everything from a “chav’s living room” to a building site to a Portaloo with no bottom so that another actor can sit beneath the toilet seat – Lee’s self-proclaimed “pièce de résistance”.

Lee tells Dean that men travel from all over the world to test the waters in the porn industry with him.

“I hold days and invite 20, 30 lads over and I’ll put a spread of food out. So we’ll go to Costco and I get a lot of sandwiches and cans of Coke and stuff like that. Put ’em on the table and we will chill, literally stick tripods up everywhere,” Lee explains. “We’ll sit down, have a laugh and do content.

“We’ll do social media. We’ll walk past the camera doing stupid winks – I always do cringey social media stuff because I know it rage baits people. It gets people talking and then does well for us. So we’ll do a lot of social media stuff and then we’ll do maybe a big group circle jerk or something.”