BOYS! BOYS! BOYS! releases second volume of gay art photography
"There is a market for a well-produced print magazine showcasing fine art photography by queer and gay photographers" according to curator Ghislain Pascal

Pictures: Edgar and Stefan in Sans Souci © Manuel Moncayo
The world’s first fine art photography magazine, BOYS! BOYS! BOYS! is back with yet another volume of stunning photography celebrating queer and gay photography.
Volume 2 – the Pride issue features ten photographers from around the world including AdeY (UK), David Charles Collins (Australia), Matthew Finley (USA), Ashish Gupta (India), Manuel Moncayo (Mexico), Juan Antonio Papagni Meca (Argentina), Sebastian Perinotti (Argentina), Mauricio A. Rodriguez (Venezuela), Xavier Samré (France), Inon Sani (Peru) + illustrator Matthew Hetznecker (USA).
Among the stories in this issue is that of ‘Iquitos’ photographed in the Amazon by the indigenous Peruvian photographer Inon Sani. The edition also includes the first collaboration between a photographer and artist in the beautiful ‘Maybe He’ll Change Your Life The Way He Changed Mine’ by Juan Antonio Papagni Meca with Matthew Hetznecker.
Maybe He’ll Change Your Life The Way He Changed Mine © Juan Antonio Papagni Meca with Matthew Hetznecker
The Little Black Gallery launched the bi-annual magazine earlier this year after establishing itself as “the home of queer and gay photography” with online auctions, books, and exhibitions.
It now represents more than 67 photographers from 27 countries – including China, India, Iran, Poland, Russia, and Turkey where gay rights are repressed and queer lives under constant threat.
Ghislain Pascal, the co-founder and co-owner of The Little Black Gallery, and curator and editor of BOYS! BOYS! BOYS! says, “Despite the pandemic, we managed to launch a new independent magazine dedicated to queer and gay photography.
“The response has been phenomenal, and we are now distributed across the world in some of the most famous magazine stores and kiosks. It just goes to show that there is a market for a well-produced print magazine showcasing fine art photography by queer and gay photographers that is not just a dick magazine!”
From Gaze © Ashish Gupta
$1 from the sale of each magazine goes to charities supporting the LGBTQ+ community and fighting the HIV / AIDS epidemic. So far, the project has supported Frontline AIDS, the Elton John AIDS Foundation, the LGBTQ youth homeless charity the Albert Kennedy Trust, and the Peter Tatchell Foundation.
There have already been two sold-out BOYS! BOYS! BOYS! books. The first was published by The Little Black Gallery in 2019, and the second by teNeues | MENDO in 2020.
BOYS! BOYS! BOYS! The Magazine – Volume 2 the Pride Issue – is out now worldwide. For stockists or to buy online visit