Table for Two | ‘Snog, marry, avoid? Marry for sure’
Find out what happened when food and beverage supervisor Samuel met freelance journalist Omar on Attitude's Blind Date...
By Will Stroude

Samuel (left)
Age: 30
Occupation: Food and beverage supervisor
Omar (right)
Age: 27
Occupation: Freelance journalist/bartender
What were you hoping to get out of the date?
Omar: I just wanted to do something different, and get to know a person.
Samuel: After living in Tenerife for three years, I’ve got rusty when it comes to dating. This was a good way to throw myself back in at the deep end.
What were your first impressions?
O: I was so nervous, but he made me feel comfortable straightaway. He was really handsome as well.
S: When he walked in, all my nerves eased. I was genuinely impressed.
How different was he to your usual type?
O: I normally go for ‘hipster’ guys. He was a bit different to that, but in a good way.
S: I’m usually attracted to guys who are slightly older than me. Omar is younger — does that make me a daddy?
Would you have swiped left or right?
O: Now, right. Just from photos, I don’t know, I wouldn’t think I was his type of guy.
S: I never swipe. I’m more into old-fashioned dating. However, hypothetically, he would have received a right swipe for sure.
How was the conversation and what did you talk about?
O: Really natural. We talked about everything: travelling, current affairs, guilty pleasures and family.
S: We didn’t stop talking. At one point, I think I compared him to Ugly Betty, but I meant the cute gay sidekick. As usual, I put my foot in my mouth!
What was the most interesting thing about him?
O: His tattoos.
S: He moved here around the same time I moved to Tenerife, so it was interesting to compare experiences.
Photography: Markus Bidaux
What was his best quality?
O: His beautiful smile. He’s also really funny.
S: His eyes are dreamy, and his smile is contagious.
What did you make of his dress sense?
O: He really knows how to dress up. I loved his fashion sense.
S: He’s also a stylist so, of course, it was going to be amazing.
Were there any deal-breakers?
O: Not at all.
S: I don’t think so… but we have only just met so it’s a bit too soon to tell.
What do you think he thought of you?
O: Funny, silly, but also a good guy. I think he liked me.
S: Hopefully, he liked me. I was really nervous.
What were you most worried he would notice about you?
O: That I was so nervous. But then we ended up talking about it and it was OK.
S: My fear of people taking pictures of me. Selfies are fine but if anyone else is taking the photos I want the ground to open and swallow me whole. I used to weigh 16 stone, I lost the weight but I still feel like the ‘fat guy’.
How was the food?
O: Amazing. I loved the lamb, and the chocolate-and-peanut dessert. The French rosé was also incredible.
S: Really nice. We laughed a lot about having no idea about what half the stuff on the menu was. Considering my job, I should probably know.
Samuel and Omar dined at M Restaurant, Victoria Street, London
Any awkward moments?
O: Every time they brought the food over, we stopped talking which was kind of awkward.
S: When I walked in, he kept asking the manager if she was sure I was his date. At first it was awkwardly funny, but then it turned into being just funny.
How did the night end?
O: We went for another drink in Soho then I took him to the train station. It ended really well.
S: I ended up getting a tour of Soho and going to a couple of bars. He took me to the station to catch my last train because I’d got lost on the Underground on my way to the date — did I mention I’m blond?
What would you have changed about the night?
O: Nothing.
S: I wouldn’t have changed anything.
Snog, marry, avoid?
O: Marry, for sure.
S: It’s too early to talk about marriage, so I guess it’s snog.
Will you meet again?
O: Yes, at least I hope so.
S: Hopefully! We have been messaging since the date, and are planning to go to see Wicked.
Rate the date!
Samuel: 10/10
Omar: 10/10
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