The Captain America gay porn parody has arrived

Looks like the #GiveCaptainAmericaABoyfriend has worked, well, sort of., the studio that brought you the gay porn parodies of XXX-Men and Batman V Superman, are returning but this time they’re adapting Marvel’s latest blockbuster: Captain America.
That’s right, you can finally see Captain America and Bucky get it on.
To get us excited, have given us a sneak peek of what’s to come in the parody.
Steve Rogers, otherwise known as Captain America, will be played by Alex Mecum.
While Paddy O’Brien will be playing Bucky.
Porn star XL will be playing Fury.
Black Panther is set to make an appearance too.
What’s the storyline? We really don’t know, you’ll just have to watch and see…
Sadly Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan won’t be portraying their characters in this adaptation.
Captain America: A Gay XXX Parody is out now.
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