Stormy Daniels on running for US president: ‘I’m positive I’m the best choice’
Exclusive: "Politics is dirtier than the job I've already got, and a lot less fun," the porn star and For the Love of DILFS season 2 host told Attitude
By Dale Fox

Porn star-turned-TV presenter Stormy Daniels is back for a second series of surprise hit gay dating show For the Love of DILFS – and she’s as fabulous and feisty as ever.
For the Love of DILFS sees two groups of ‘daddies’ and ‘himboes’ compete to find their soulmate, in this show that’s been referred to as the ‘queer Love Island‘.
Here, we catch up with Stormy to discuss what makes the show a must-watch, how it’s a beacon for body positivity, and why she would make the perfect US president.
Why should we watch For the Love of DILFS?
Well, who doesn’t love hot guys? Any reality TV junkie will love it, but even those who aren’t into that sort of programming will find it refreshing. The difference between this show and others is that the situations aren’t contrived – we don’t get everyone drunk and start rumours and put them in awkward situations. The challenges are actually set up to develop the relationships, not the drama. They’re not scripted, and the feelings are genuine.
Even for those who don’t give a fuck about whether or not two guys fall in love or win a bit of money, the underlying message I think will appeal to just about anybody. You’d have to be a proper monster not to want to watch love happen!
How is season 2 different from season 1?

Well, we’ve got a little bit better, as season 1 was definitely our learning-as-we-go season and I think this one is a lot more polished. I’m definitely more comfortable as a host [this season]. The variable here is the contestants – you never know what you’re going to get or how they’re going to act. And this time around, I was a lot more comfortable in getting involved and saying what I wanted and helping the contestants, because I knew the show is what it was promised to be [by the producers]. It wasn’t going to be edited to paint anybody in a bad light.
Season 3, which we begin filming in a few weeks, is going to be even better!
How does the show promote body positivity?

It has the most eclectic body types I’ve seen on any TV show. You’ve got the really tiny, supermodel, ripped bodies, then you have the curvy, thicker body types. There’s probably a solid 200-pound weight difference between our largest and smallest person. And we have everybody from 19-year-olds to a guy in his late-50s. It’s not a weight loss show or a show about being beautiful – it’s just what it is.
Do you enjoy acting as the mother figure to all these gays?

I always joke that it’s the first time I’ve been in a house with a bunch of hot guys and none of them wanted to sleep with me. They just wanted to steal my makeup and know where I bought my shoes. It’s like a slumber party with a bunch of hot guys, and my vagina didn’t matter.
Do you stay in touch with the contestants?

I’m friends with several of the guys from the first season but some of them I don’t talk to, nor do I ever want to talk to them again. Charles from season 1 came out when I was in London to say hello when I hosted a party at G-A-Y last year. Some I didn’t care for. You could tell some were there for the wrong reasons, like to boost their TikTok accounts or get money. And some were there for the right reasons, and came and got their hearts broken. I’m a bit of a sucker for those types. Some of those friendships are genuine, and that speaks about the show.
That’s sweet. So would you say you’re a good judge of character?
I wish I could say I was, but I’m pretty famous for being the worst judge of character ever!
You told Attitude last year you’d be happy to run for president. Do you still want that job?

I didn’t say I’d be happy to; I said ‘I guess, if I have to.’ Someone’s got to do it, right? Trust me – I don’t want that job. Politics is dirtier than the job I’ve already got, and a lot less fun. At least with my job, you’re screwing people honestly and get to have an orgasm. But at this point, I might be the best choice. As a matter of fact, I’m positive I’m the best choice. Vote for Stormy!
Sell the show to us in just one sentence
This is such a great question! Oh my gosh. Fuck me! Well, I’d say, ‘It’s a tasty little treat with an unexpected life lesson and heartfelt message.’
For The Love Of DILFs is now streaming on Froot.TV