Troye Sivan shares poppers-related story behind ‘Rush’ cover image
"It's my favourite part of the picture"

If you haven’t heard Troye Sivan’s hit ‘Rush’ by now you’d have to have been living under a rock. There’ve been several remixes as well so we’re not sure how anyone could have not heard at least one version!
‘Rush’ is Sivan’s highest-charting solo single, gaining 50 million streams in just two weeks. The song nods to Sivan’s experiences on the Melbourne club scene as well as the famous brand of poppers.
Speaking to Rolling Stone AU/NZ recently, the 28-year-old revealed a behind-the-scenes tidbit about the single’s cover image.
The cover sees the ‘Bloom’ singer lying back on a bed with his eyes closed.
Sivan told Rolling Stone that he actually took a hit of poppers to ensure that as Rolling Stone writes it, “it gave off the same flushed feeling” people experience when using the amyl nitrate.
“If you go back there’s this tiny vein on my head,” the singer shared. “It’s my favourite part of the picture.”
Talk about committing to your art.

Elsewhere in the interview, Sivan revealed that his upcoming third album, Something to Give Each Other, was inspired by a hook-up.
Of the encounter, Sivan said: “We were lying in bed and he was like, ‘This is one of life’s greatest pleasures, connecting with people in this way.'”
Sivan continued: “Obviously the hook-up is fun, but he’s like, ‘Even if I never see you again, we get to have this really special moment together.'”
He then added: “That really kick-started everything.”
Something to Give Each Other is available to stream and download from 13 October 2023.