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JCDecaux’s William Spencer on creating the company’s Pride Matters network

In partnership with myGwork

By Dylan Mann-Hazell

Close up of a smiling man's face
Will Spencer (Image: Provided)

Moving from Perth, to Melbourne, and eventually to the United Kingdom, William Spencer from JCDecaux has experienced a wide array of cultural and social interactions. Identifying as gay since a young age, he reflects on his journey from coming out in a “stifling” city to spearheading an LGBTQ+ resource group.

William came out to friends and family at just the age of 14, and it didn’t take long for him to spread his wings and explore the full LGBTQ+ landscape. Though he created strong bonds and formed life-long relationships in Perth, he describes it as somewhat of a restricting place to grow up LGBTQ+. “One of the reasons why I left Perth at such a young age, I think I was 17 or 18, was that I felt it was a very stifling environment for queer people or people who identify under the LGBTQ+ umbrella.”

Elaborating, he reveals how Perth has seemed to regress in terms of LGBTQ+ spaces over time, in particular noting the reduction in the number of gay clubs. Upon moving to Melbourne, William felt liberated, allowing him to finally explore aspects of himself that he couldn’t fully embrace in Perth. Finding solace in Melbourne’s vibrant queer community, his early 20s were a time of experimentation and opening his mind to other identities and ways of life.

“Melbourne was great for self-expression and finding yourself; meeting other like-minded individuals and exploring your sexuality.” Looking back on this time, he humorously paints a picture of a rather camp fashion choice from his youth, describing a green velvet leprechaun jacket with bright orange stitched clovers, and a black briefcase that he thought looked “stylish”.

With each passing year, William gained more confidence both personally and professionally, and eventually made the bold decision to shake things up once again by moving to the United Kingdom in his 30s. He set his sights on media company JCDecaux, which happened to have a promising opportunity that immediately piqued his interest. William recalls, “There was not any consideration to try a different path. JCDecaux had an opportunity opening up, it was one of the first jobs I applied for, and I got it.”

Though he quickly found like-minded and progressive colleagues throughout JCDecaux, an early observation of the company as a whole led him to feel inspired to add a splash of colour to the company. He became motivated to give LGBTQ+ people in the company a platform from which to speak, and began his efforts to build Pride Matters, an LGBTQ+ inclusive network.

Launching just recently, Pride Matters serves as a safe space for LGBTQ+ colleagues at JCDecaux to gather, share experiences, and embrace their authentic selves within the business environment. William emphasises the importance of psychological safety and community support, aiming to create an environment where everyone feels not only included, but safe and respected. The network’s initiatives also include plans for events, educational sessions, and advocacy efforts to promote diverse and inclusive practices throughout the workplace.

Pride Matters has already garnered positive responses, with colleagues stepping forward and showing interest in participating, highlighting that initiatives just like these are a vital part of any inclusive organisation. As the chairman, William’s efforts have been focused on building a strong foundation for the network in its first year, with future plans to expand advocacy and external partnerships in the following years.

“Our first-year plan is all about visibility and engagement,” explains William. “In the second year, we want to lead into advocacy, get out there a bit more, particularly when it comes to our external partnerships. It’s all about how we can we use our media channel around Pride Month and the rest of the year.”

William’s dedication to creating a more inclusive work environment extends beyond his personal experiences. He recognises the importance of celebrating diversity within all subgroups and building understanding and acceptance across different identities. By championing Pride Matters, William aims to promote unity within JCDecaux, the LGBTQ+ community and beyond, to help build a more accepting future.

JCDecaux is a proud partner of myGwork, the LGBTQ+ business community. Find out more about job opportunities at JCDecaux.