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JTI’s Journey with its PRIDE network: building bridges of inclusion

In partnership with myGwork

By Brian Leonard

Three people sitting at a table holding a discussion
JTI's PRIDE network allows participants to build connections. (Image: Lindsay Coulter)

myGwork sat down with Edgar Martinez (he/him), legal director, and Jennifer Polzin (she/they), board assistant, at JTI, to discuss the recent PRIDE | Summit they organised within the organisation, the importance of it, and how companies can better promote inclusion within their workplaces.

JTI’s global LGBTIQ+ Inclusion Employee Resource Group (ERG) PRIDE has Jennifer Polzin and Edgar Martinez as its co-chairs. Despite their varied backgrounds and different global locations, their common passion is to drive LGBTIQ+ Inclusion at JTI.

PRIDE was established on Valentine’s Day in 2020, just after the global Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) strategy was implemented towards the end of 2019. When lockdown occurred only a few weeks later, the ERG had to adjust to the digital challenges that global groups were facing. It was also trying to establish itself within the organisation.

Starting with “digital safe spaces,” the network grew and grew from the JTI headquarters in Geneva, becoming truly global by 2021.

‘Connect with Pride’

Each year, the ERG chooses a theme to guide activities and campaigns throughout the year. This year’s theme is ‘Connect with Pride’. Additionally, the ERG has set up programmes supporting LBTQ+ women, promoting queer and straight allyship. In April this year, it hosted JTI’s first regional PRIDE | Summit in Toronto in-person, where change agents and allies from markets across the Americas region met for the first time.

A group of four people stand in front of balloons
Edgar Martinez and Jennifer Polzin (far right; second from right) co-chair JTI’s PRIDE network. (Image: Lindsay Coulter)

The summit – held over three days – was the perfect forum for attendees to build connections within the region. It also explored how employee-led diversity and inclusion efforts can be advanced within the Americas.

“It was a great success for us”, recalls Jennifer. “We had already been working with some of the colleagues for anywhere from two months to three years, and finally we had an opportunity to meet in person. Edgar and I are both based in Europe so trying to get everyone together in the Americas was a huge effort – especially post-Covid – but it paid off.”

Edgar highlighted the need for events like this. “For inclusion, you have both corporate efforts, where the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion team work to introduce new policies, update existing ones, develop benefits and foster inclusion from a corporate perspective, whilst the employee-led efforts, which are completely peer-to-peer, give employees the space & freedom to voice what more needs to be done to support them.” He belives the interplay between the two is a necessity to drive change.

Sparking the concept

This interplay sparked the concept of the regional PRIDE | Summit series. The ERG identified a need to comprehend the broader needs of the LGBTIQ+ communities within the various markets around the world without forcing staff to come out or participate if they were uncomfortable. They also discussed how to support local initiatives in the future. The result was careful planning with the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion team to create a summit resembling a congress, inviting LGBTIQ+ leaders, Allies, and People & Culture (HR) representatives.

Three people hold tote bags and smile into the camera
JTI employees at the PRIDE | Summit in April 2023. (Image: Lindsay Coulter)

Authenticity is a recurring theme in conversations with Jennifer and Edgar. The summit’s ability to enable attendees to speak candidly and honestly about their thoughts and experiences, and to be their authentic selves, stands out. “You’re talking to other employees, with authenticity being encouraged by the agenda, about the same issues and concerns,” Edgar says.

Both Jen and Edgar shared fond memories of the event. For Edgar, one of his highlights was John Fraser, PRIDE’s Executive Sponsor and Senior Vice President Legal, Regulatory Affairs and Corporate Compliance, attending the Summit. “JTI’s top management members (that we refer to as ExCom) are very busy, and it’s often difficult to find time in their calendars. But John took the time to attend the entire Summit, to be with us and show his support.” For Jennifer, her highlight was seeing all these meaningful connections – across cultures, functions and backgrounds – forming at the Summit as people came together to explore promoting diversity and inclusion.

“It was amazing to be part of curating this wonderful event”

For JTI’s partner agencies Ignis and We Create Space (WCS), “it was amazing to see the event come to life,” Russell Keane, Senior Account Director at Ignis, said.

“It was amazing to be part of curating this wonderful event and it was truly inspiring to witness the bravery and vulnerability shown by attendees in sharing their deeply personal stories and perspectives.

“It’s testament to the work being done within the company, both corporate and employee-led, that these safe spaces exist and employees feel comfortable to bring their true selves to the work.”

While Michael Stephens, founder of WCS, recalls that “It was a pleasure to be involved with delivering various sessions at the Summit and to witness the profound effect it had on everyone involved.

A group of people sit around a table to have a discussion.
A group of JTI employees hold a discussion at the JTI PRIDE | Summit. (Image: Lindsay Coulter)

“The team’s unwavering commitment to inclusivity and the celebration of diversity not only empowered individuals but is igniting a ripple effect of positive change throughout the organization and the communities within.”

The PRIDE | Summit is part of the wider DEI strategy at JTI, encompassing goals like local empowerment and conscious inclusion. By constructing strong LGBTIQ+ networks within each internal market, locals have the means to raise and address issues that matter to them in ways best suited to their circumstances.

“We can understand what is happening in other markets,” says Jennifer, “but we cannot experience it in the way that people who live there do. Employees know what is best for their specific market.”

Need for interplay

However, as Edgar pointed out, there needs to be interplay. Employee-led efforts may highlight the challenges faced by minorities, but the need for top-down support to implement the solutions is crucial for companies aiming to advance diversity and inclusion within their workplaces. “We aren’t just going to go to Pride marches or only speak out during Pride Month. We need to honour JTI’s 365 Days of Pride Pledge,” he said.

When asked for advice to other companies seeking to improve diversity, equity, and inclusion within their businesses, Edgar is clear. “Let your ERGs flourish. These employee-led networks are powerful communities for driving change within organisations. By going beyond basic box-ticking and engaging meaningfully, companies can nurture these networks into structures that accelerate an inclusive culture within their organisation.”

A large group of people stand in front of a wall of balloons
“These employee-led networks are powerful communities for driving change,” Edgar says. (Image: Lindsay Coulter)

Jennifer echoes this, pointing out the need for corporate support – from budget to sponsorship – to build the safe spaces in which these ERGs develop and grow. “If you have no openly LGBTIQ+ colleagues in your organisation, you need to address that, and understand why that may be.”

JTI’s PRIDE | Summit returns again this year in June, this time in Athens with the Western European markets. The pair believe that the success of the Americas Summit shows the importance events like this have in building a truly inclusive workplace. There, every employee can feel comfortable to bring their true, authentic selves to work. In short, creating a better future for everyone.

JTI is a proud partner of myGwork, the LGBTQ+ Business Community. You can check out its job opportunities here.