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London Trans+ Pride 2024: 19 pictures of gender-diverse love and joy

"This show of solidarity with the trans+ community was so powerful and poignant" said an organiser

By Attitude Staff

People marching in London Trans+ Pride
This year's London Trans+ Pride was attended by over 55,000 people (Images: Zenhofer)

London Trans+ Pride broke records on Saturday (27 July 2024) with 55,000-60,000 people attending what organisers have called ‘the largest trans pride in history’.

Speakers on the day included Heartstopper’s Yasmin Finney, Trans Legal Clinic founder Olivia Campbell-Cavendish, Drag Race UK star Bimini (pictured below, left), Trans Prisoner Alliance founder and activist Sarah Jane Baker and more.

The sixth instalment of the event to celebrate trans and gender-diverse people kicked off at Langham Place at 2pm before ending at Wellington Arch later that afternoon.

“This show of solidarity with the trans+ community was so powerful and poignant”

Lewis G. Burton, one of the founding members of London Trans+ Pride, said in a statement: “London Trans+ Pride 2024 was the biggest one to date! This show of solidarity with the trans+ community yesterday was so powerful and poignant – in a time when we need the public’s show of support now more than ever. We have confirmation that 55,000-60,000+ people were in attendance at its highest point, meaning that this made London Trans+ Pride the biggest trans pride march in the world right now.

“Often at times due to vitriol and bigotry inflated by the UK media that our community faces we often feel like we live in a country where we are not loved and respected. Yesterday was a beautiful reminder to not only the glorious trans+ community but to London, the new Labour government and the rest of the world that trans+ people are loved and this love is a huge majority.”

Scroll on for more pictures of the day…

A crowd shot, including someone holding a bubble gun
(Images: Zenhofer)
an attendee holding a sign saying 'dykes for trans rights'
(Images: Zenhofer)
Pride-goers protesting NHS restrictions on trans healthcare
(Images: Zenhofer)
Three Pride marchers, including Princess Julia on the left
(Images: Zenhofer)
Two more Pride goers strike a pose, one with a fan in the trans flag colours
(Images: Zenhofer)
Media figure Shivani Dave addresses the crowd during the march
(Images: Zenhofer)
Two marchers, one with a sign saying 'trans rights and trans wrongs'
(Images: Zenhofer)
A marcher speaks into the mic while holding a sign saying 'hot t-girl lesbo'
(Images: Zenhofer)
A crowd shot, centred on a person wearing a face mask with fire in trans flag colours
(Images: Zenhofer)
more marchers, this time holding a sign saying 'trans liberation now'
(Images: Zenhofer)
this person's sign simple says 'trans' in the Charli XCX Brat meme font and colour
(Images: Zenhofer)
another attendee, wearing a top with the words 'AFAB' strikes a pose in Hyde Park
(Images: Zenhofer)