Attitude city guide: Malmö, Sweden
By Will Stroude

Whilst Copenhagen across the bridge in Denmark is more famous, its lesser known Swedish sister, Malmö is rising in international acclaim. Since hosting the Eurovision Song Contest last year (Euphoria!), it has emerged as a destination of choice among gay and lesbian travellers across Europe.
But why are we choosing Malmö? Because as the world gets more homogenous, we are looking for more unique experiences; and Malmö offers something a little different. Its small-city vibe, yet proximity to the Danish capital makes it cosmopolitan, cultured and yet distinctly Swedish.
Here are some truly one-off experiences to sample in Sweden’s third city…
The Baltic Exhibition
Exactly 100 years ago, Malmö played host to the Baltic Exhibition showcasing the industry, art and culture of Sweden and its neighbours. And this year, it celebrates the centenary in true style, with some fantastic events and exhibitions happening in the city. And the city’s residents are really proud to celebrate that a century ago, Malmö was recognised as the centre of Baltic-cool.
Form/Design Center
Malmö’s Form/Design Center is also celebrating a jubilee – its 50 year anniversary. It showcases cutting edge design, architecture and art housed in 16th century splendour – proving that the Swedish can really match the Danes at their own game.
The Bridge
Malmö’s relationship with Copenhagen was cemented when the Øresund Bridge connecting the two cities opened to celebrate the new millennium. But already the bridge has become a subject of folk-lore, with the now infamous Scandi crime-drama ‘The Bridge’ being all the rage this year. Fans will be thrilled to know that they can indulge your passion for the thrilling world of Scandi-noir by joining the exclusive ‘The Bridge’ tour of the city , a roadtrip covering both bleak and beautiful in the footsteps of Martin Rodhe and Saga Noren.
Go Arty
Malmö’s small-gallery scene will leave you feeling inspired – and a visit to the Konsthall to build up your knowledge of famous names. Plus all the galleries in the city are close together and a konditori (or coffee shop) is never far should you want to Fika. For more about Malmö’s art scence, visit here.
Eat Sustainable
Malmö’s Western Harbour is home to its iconic turning-torso building, but what many don’t know is that this development is a true case-study in environmental sustainability. Self-sufficient, intelligent design abounds, as well as fantastic community concepts. But at the heart of the harbour, you will find the world’s first sustainable, organic, eco-restaurant Salt & Brygga – a true pioneer when it opened 12 years ago, serving only organic, Mediterranean-inspired dishes made of locally produced meat, fish and vegetables. The owner is also fanatical about bicycles – see if you can spot just how fanatical…
In FolketsPark (People’s Park), people of all ages meet throughout the year. After being threatened closure in the 1990s, the park as it is today has been transformed into one of Sweden’s most visited destinations and a place that is loved by the people of Malmö. One of Sweden’s biggest Feminist gatherings are held in this park, with LGBTQI people joining in the celebration. You’ll also find a folly – a Moorish Pavilion that you just have to see for yourself.
Wonk may be Malmö’s only gay club night, but it really is a fun-filled adventure on Saturday nights. Ok, so this may not be the most unique of gay nightlife options, but what’s interesting is that this clubbing concept has become so popular in Sweden’s third city that they’re now running clubnights in Sweden’s capital city – total role reversal.
Swedish Wine
You’ll be happy to learn that Malmö and Skåne has also got a rich heritage in beverage making. In this small region alone you will find a hugely diverse range of local breweries, distilleries and vineyards. At some point in all our lives, Absolut Vodka would have passed our lips – after all, this Swedish born, international vodka brand has become somewhat symbiotic with the LGBTQ community, given their longstanding and ongoing support of gay rights. You’ll find Absolut in Åhus, where half a million bottles are produced daily – tours of the distillery are free.
Skåne is also home to Swedish wine – something that you’ll take delight in discovering, we’re sure. There are a number of amazing vineyards that have established themselves in the last decade including Åhus winery, Kullahalvöns vingård and Hällåkra Vineyard.
Norwegian, Easyjet, British Airways and SAS fly into Copenhagen which is a less than 45 minute journey across the infamous bridge. Direct flights are available on Ryanair.
For the very latest on Malmö and Skåne visit and
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