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Attitude’s Travel Insider: 5 ways to blag yourself into First Class

By Will Stroude


It’s the dream. You’re on your way to somewhere hot to sip cocktails by the pool (’tis the season for winter sun, after all) and you’re so nearly in the holiday mood but every time you think about that economy plane ride, you neck aches in protest of the conditions you’re about to put your body through.

The holiday vibe will just have to wait, you resolve. Just one chaotic airport terminal and a few hours on a plane to go and then you can relax…

And then you sidle up to the check-in desk at the airport to hand over your passport, and the lovely ground staff lady – in her prim and proper red blazer/hat/neck-bow combination – smiles at you as she hands over your boarding card. ‘We’ve upgraded you to our First Class cabin, Sir,’ she says politely. ‘Your name will be at the desk when you enter the lounge. Have a nice flight.’ And suddenly life gets so much better. There is a God after all! Your neck no longer aches. Holiday, here YOU come.

Cut back to reality. This sounds like the kind of lucky situation that happens to other people, doesn’t it? Which is frigging well annoying because you deserve a seat that transforms into a bed as much as the next guy.

first class

Well there’s good news, my friend. It turns out there is a way to bag a First Class seat for free. In fact, there are five – and no matter what the airline, these tips are the general rules they powers that be follow when bumping people up a cabin. So go forth, take note and try them all. And remember, even one successful attempt is a win for everyone stuck in Economy.

  1. There’s never any harm asking. If a flight is very full in one cabin, the ground staff may be looking to upgrade people. Ask at the gate rather than check-in because the flight will be closed
by then – and the final number of people checked-in for the
flight will have been counted.
  1. Pick the time of day you fly. The majority of business customers fly first thing in the morning and after 4pm so those flights will always be busier in the premium cabins. Fly during the off-peak period and you’re more likely to nab a posh seat.
  1. Become a loyalty-card holder. If anyone’s getting upgraded out of good will, it will be the airline’s frequent flyers. So if you do travel often, make sure to sign up for a free loyalty card. Register your membership number when you book the flight, so this will flash up on their computer when you check in.
  1. It never hurts to mention if you are travelling for a special occasion or anniversary. But don’t lie; remember airline staff see this kind of blagging technique every day.
  1. Look the part. Leave the hoodie at home and don a blazer for your flight. It could make all the difference.


Karen is a freelance Travel & Entertainment Editor based in London. She can be found tweeting at @KarenNEdwards and contacted through her personal blog

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