Survey: How do you feel about travelling to the Caribbean as an LGBTQ person?
Take the survey for your chance to win a free Smartwatch.
By Will Stroude

Attitude Awards sponsor Virgin Atlantic is working with a major coalition of multinational corporations to help local business leaders in the Caribbean to drive positive change for the LGBTQ community in the region.
For over five years, the Open for Business coalition (of which Virgin Atlantic is a leading member) has carried out groundbreaking research to show why supporting equal rights for LGBTQ people around the globe doesn’t just help change lives, it also makes economic sense too.
Tourism has been a mainstay of the economy in most Caribbean countries for decades, and now that global travel has come to a (temporary) standstill, it’s worth thinking about how destinations in the region can accelerate their recovery when visitors finally return.
It’s logical that those countries that can offer the safest, most welcoming environment for all travellers – regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity – will be in the strongest position to compete ahead of the rest.
On that note, in one of 2020’s brighter moments, the government of Barbados announced in September that it intends to permit a form of civil unions among same-sex couples. This represents a major step forward among English-speaking Caribbean countries where, thanks to laws that derive from colonialism, LGBTQ people have long suffered discrimination.
So, putting aside COVID-19 for a moment, how would you feel about travelling in the Caribbean today?
Readers from the UK, US and Canada are encouraged to complete a brief survey to collect their views, online until the 4 of December. When you reach the end of the survey, you may enter a separate form to participate in a free prize draw for a Smartwatch.
The full study will be available in early 2021 at