6 best male enhancement pills: Secret key to amazing sex life
Is your sex life dull as a result of weak erections, low libido and lack of stamina? This best male enhancement pills review gives you the secret to hot, amazing sex.
By Will Stroude

For men, being able to deliver a stellar sexual Performance is of utmost importance.
This includes being able to perform as long as needed, be ready for sex at the drop of a hat, have strong erections, and satisfy your partner.
Unfortunately, due to factors such as illness, age, medication, and others, men may have erectile dysfunction, which impedes sexual performance.
When this happens, you may end up having weak erections, premature ejaculation, lack of stamina, and uninspiring orgasms.
According to Healthline, 52% of men between the ages of 40-70 suffer from erectile dysfunction at a point in life.
This failure can lead to trouble in relationships and lowered self-esteem.
Male enhancement supplements have been created to mitigate these problems.
These are dietary supplements made with specific ingredients to increase erection strength, boost libido, and improve performance.
When it comes to selecting the right male enhancement supplement, you might have a challenge as the market is saturated with such products.
How then can you tell which one is the right one for you?
This is why we have written this male enhancement supplements review.
It discusses six of the best male enhancement supplements in the market, telling you what they are, how they work, their benefits as well as pros and cons.
After reading it, we trust that you will be able to find a male enhancement supplement that works for you.
6 Best Male Enhancement Supplements That Will Get Your Erections Harder And Longer
1) Male Extra – click here to check price
2) Max Performer – click here to check price
3) VigRX Plus – click here to check price
4) Member XXL – click here to check price
5) Eron Plus – click here to check price
6) Viasil – click here to check price
1) Male Extra
Male Extra is a leading male enhancement supplement in the market.
Since 2009, over 12 million pills have been sold to over 320,000 satisfied customers.
If you have been having any problems with your sexual performance, this pill promises to change all that by giving you bigger and harder erections.
In addition, it will supercharge your sex drive, give you more intense orgasms and stamina to perform better than you have ever done.
Male Extra is formulated from safe, natural ingredients that have been thoroughly researched and proven to work in multiple scientific studies.
These ingredients are unique to this formula, and you will not find them in any other male enhancement pill in the same combination.
Male Extra primarily works by raising the levels of nitric oxide in the body, which in turn increases the amount of blood in your veins.
For a penis to get hard and erect and stay that way, it requires a gush of blood to flow into its veins during sexual arousal.
If the amount of blood is inadequate, you will not get a firm erection enough to sustain sex.
In Medical News Today, we see that nitric oxide is a vasodilator that widens and relaxes veins, allowing for more blood to rush in.
Male Extra contains L- Arginine, an effective amino acid that the body converts to nitric oxide.
This male enhancement supplement also contains aphrodisiacs such as cordyceps as well as energy-boosting B vitamins.
Male Extra is manufactured by Ssshh Limited, a company based in the United Kingdom.
The manufacturer offers free shipping worldwide and a 100-day money-back guarantee.
>> Click here to try Male Extra
· Gives bigger, harder, and longer-lasting erections
· Supercharges sex drive
· Boosts stamina and strength for better performance
· Gives more intense orgasms
· Increases self-confidence in and out of bed
· Formulated from natural ingredients with no side effects
· Over 12 million pills have been sold
· Comes with a 100-day money-back guarantee
· Ships free worldwide
· Has many positive reviews from users
· Suitable for men of all ages, including senior citizens
· Manufactured and distributed from the UK and USA
· Made in FDA approved facilities
· Results are not standard and will vary with people
· You must keep taking it to continue enjoying the results
>> Click here to get Male Extra with the best price
2) Max Performer
Max Performer is a male enhancement supplement that will take away any stress or embarrassment that you have over your sex life.
This supplement is recommended for men who have been struggling with premature ejaculation and other sexual problems.
If you have experienced weak erections, low libido, and uneventful orgasms, prepare to see all that change.
Max Performer gives bigger and harder erections, increases sexual desire, boosts your energy and stamina, and guarantees mind-blowing orgasms.
This male enhancement supplement is formulated with a combination of ingredients that will guarantee results.
Horny goats weed, for instance, boosts blood circulation, increases testosterone levels, and heightens arousal.
When combined with powerful aphrodisiacs such as maca and Red Korean ginseng, it will blow the lid off your sex life.
For best results, the manufacturer recommends that you take Max Performer for three months continuously.
This supplement is manufactured by Silver Blade Nutrition Limited, a company based in the United Kingdom.
It ships worldwide and comes with a 90-day money-back guarantee for those who are not happy with it.
>> Click here to try Max Performer
· It gives thicker, harder, and more powerful erections
· Enhances sexual desire
· Increases erection size and strength
· Raises self-confidence in bed
· Gives more intense orgasms
· Leads to a satisfactory sex life for both partners
· Increases strength and stamina
· Does not cause any harmful side effects
· Formulated from natural ingredients that are known to work
· Made by a reputable company
· Comes with a money-back guarantee
· The manufacturer offers free shipping on all orders
· Has numerous positive reviews
· At $69, the price for one bottle is high
· Results only last as long as you take it
· Only available on the official website
>> Click here to get Max Performer with the best price
3) VigRX Plus
VigRX Plus is a male enhancement pill that comes highly recommended by Dr. Steven Lamm of The View.
It promises to give you bigger and harder erections on-demand, as well as control over them.
This supplement will also intensify your orgasms, boost your libido, and supercharge your performance.
Since 2007, over 1.2 million bottles of VigRX Plus have been sold to happy, satisfied men.
This male virility supplement is made with highly researched ingredients that have been scientifically engineered to give the best results.
Unlike other supplements, you will not find any fillers in this one, as each pill carries the maximum dosage to give you consistent results.
VigRX Plus is formulated with ten potent ingredients that comprise erection precursors and libido enhancers that will build up in your body, boosting its natural abilities.
Herbal extracts such as saw palmetto, Catuaba bark, and Muira Pauma work together to increase nitric oxide levels in the body.
Nitric oxide then opens up penile tissues, promoting increased blood flow to the penis and effectively causing an erection.
According to WebMD, Horny goats weed and Asian Red Ginseng boosts libido and enhance sexual desire, and these are present in this formula.
Clinical studies show that this virility pill increases sexual desire by 47% and the ability to maintain an erection by 62%.
VigRx Plus is manufactured by Leading Edge Health Ltd, a supplements company based in the United Kingdom.
It is available for purchase on the official website and ships worldwide.
>> Click here to try VigRx Plus
· Gives bigger and stronger erections on demand
· Increases sexual desire
· Gives one better control over erections
· Gives more frequent and intense orgasms
· Boosts energy and stamina
· Raises self-esteem
· Highly recommended by a respected doctor
· Has numerous positive reviews
· Over 1.2 million boxes have been sold
· Its efficacy is backed by clinical research
· Does not cause any side effects
· Made from natural herbal ingredients
· Ships worldwide
· The manufacturer offers a 67-day money-back guarantee
· Some people may find it expensive
· Free shipping does not apply to all orders
>> Click here to get VigRX Plus with the best price
4) Member XXL
Member XXL is a non-invasive method of enlarging your penis by up to 9cm in only three months.
This male enhancement supplement starts working from day one, and you can start seeing results after only three weeks of use.
Other than enlarging your penis, it will enhance your libido and give you the energy to have better and more satisfying sex.
In one study, 90 men who took Member XXL for 12 weeks reported increasing their penis size by 5cm.
A further 70 % of men confirmed that it was an excellent product.
Member XXL is formulated with natural ingredients that are scientifically proven to work without causing any adverse side effects.
These ingredients comprise the most potent herbal extracts, including Hawthorne berry, ginseng extract, Chinese Magnolia extract, and black pepper extract.
Complementing each other, these ingredients increase blood flow to the penis and heighten sexual desire.
Black pepper extract is used to improve the other ingredients’ bioavailability, ensuring that they are quickly and effectively absorbed in the body.
This product is available for every man and does not require a prescription.
Member XXL is endorsed by doctors and has an 80% approval rate among users.
To see the best results, the manufacturer recommends that you take two capsules every day, one in the morning and one before lunch, with plenty of water.
This male enhancement supplement is manufactured by Nuvia Lab Limited, a supplement maker based in Cyprus.
This company is well known for other products such as Fat Burn Extreme and Semaxin.
Member XXL is available for purchase on the official website memberxxl.com as well as other e-commerce sites like Amazon.
It ships worldwide, and the manufacturer offers a 90-day money-back guarantee.
This means that if you try the product but feel that it did not work as advertised, you can return it to get your money back.
>> Click here to try Member XXL
· It can enlarge a penis by 9cm in three months
· It heightens libido and increases sexual desire
· Makes sex better for both parties
· Boosts self-esteem
· Formulated from natural ingredients
· Does not cause any side effects
· Its efficacy has been tested in clinical trials
· It is optimally dosed to give the right results
· It is also available on various e-commerce sites
· The manufacturer does not show us scientific evidence of the claims
· There is no explanation of what each ingredient does
· The maker does not offer free shipping
· Results are not standard and will vary with people
>> Click here to get Member XXL with the best price
5) Eron Plus
Eron Plus is a combination of two effective products that promise to lengthen sex by up to 30 minutes.
It is designed for sexually active men who want more out of their sex life, or those who are having sexual issues.
Eron Plus guarantees to sort out any erection issues that you might have while giving you longer and better sex.
If you have struggled with premature ejaculation before, this male enhancement pill will put you in control of your orgasms to avoid any unpleasant surprises.
Eron Plus comprises daily capsules that work to eliminate any sexual issues you may be having, and Eron Plus Before capsules to be taken two hours before sex.
This combination ensures that you have a strong, thick erection when the time comes.
Eron Plus and Eron Plus Before are formulated with natural ingredients that are safe, legal, and scientifically proven to work.
According to research, these ingredients combat erectile dysfunction while also improving sexual performance.
Based on information from the Mayo Clinic, we see that L- Arginine, as used in this formula boosts blood flow by increasing nitric oxide levels in the body.
This, in turn, opens and relaxes veins allowing more blood to flow to the penile tissues.
To ensure that you are ready for action at any time, Eron Plus also contains aphrodisiacs like Maca Root, Korean ginseng, and fenugreek.
For the best results, the manufacturer recommends that you take 4-6 capsules of Eron Plus Before about 30 minutes before sexual activity.
Eron Plus daily capsules should be taken twice a day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.
You will feel the results of Eron Plus Before almost immediately, while the daily capsule will start working in about two weeks.
This penis enlargement pill is manufactured by Key Player Limited, a supplements company based out of Dubai.
It ships worldwide in discreet packaging.
>> Click here to try Eron Plus
· It gives harder and longer erections
· It enables one to have sex for 30 minutes longer
· It enhances sexual desire
· It addresses erectile dysfunction problems
· Gives better and more pleasurable orgasms
· Improves self-confidence and overall sex life
· Recommended by 85% of men who have used it
· Made from safe, legal ingredients
· Does not cause any adverse side effects
· Comes with a 90-day money-back guarantee
· Available on various e-commerce sites
· You will not benefit from free shipping
· Requires one to take 6-8 capsules per day
· The maker does not explain how the ingredients work to improve sexual function
>> Click here to get Eron Plus with the best price
6) Viasil
Viasil is a 100% natural male enhancement pill designed to fight erectile dysfunction problems.
In doing this, it improves sexual performance, ignites sex drive, and gives bigger and better erections that last longer.
It also boosts energy and stamina, helping you keep going all night or as long as your partner needs it.
To have a healthy sex life, your body produces ATP, which gives you energy, and nitric oxide, which ensures proper blood flow.
Nitric oxide is a vasodilator that widens and relaxes veins, allowing for increased blood, oxygen, and nutrient flow.
For you to have a strong erection, blood must flow freely to your penile tissues, which is ensured by nitric oxide.
Similarly, to have a satisfying sexual session, you need to have energy and endurance.
ATP is the body’s energy carrier, transporting energy to the areas where it is needed most, such as to the muscles during sex.
Unfortunately, with time, various factors can cause ATP and nitric oxide production to slow down, resulting in sexual problems.
Viasil works alongside your body to naturally increase their production, boosting energy and blood flow.
As a result, you can be assured of more robust erections, higher energy, and enhanced libido.
This male enhancement pill uses 100% natural and safe ingredients that have been scientifically tested for efficacy.
Other than boosting blood flow and nitric oxide levels, they also enhance libido and fight oxidative stress that can destroy cells.
Viasil is manufactured by Swiss Research Labs, a UK company that is committed to making safe, scientifically proven supplements.
This supplement ships worldwide from their UK and USA stores.
· It addresses erectile dysfunction issues
· It boosts energy and endurance
· Gives bigger and stronger erections
· Improves sexual desire
· It boosts self-confidence in and out of bed
· Puts you in control of your orgasms
· Has many positive reviews from users
· Uses natural ingredients with no side effects
· Works alongside the body’s natural processes
· Comes with a 100% money-back guarantee
· The manufacture offers free worldwide shipping for some packages
· It gives quick results
· At $74.99 for one bottle, some people may find it expensive
· Free shipping does not apply to the one-month supply
· Results are not uniform
>> Click here to get Viasil with the best price
Best Sex Boosters For Men FAQ
What are male enhancement pills?
Male enhancement pills are dietary supplements that are designed to address problems brought about by erectile dysfunction in men. This could be weak erections, low libido, lack of energy, and premature ejaculation. They are formulated with specific ingredients that work alongside the body to address and resolve these issues.
How do sex enhancer pills work?
Male enhancement pills work in various ways to address sexual problems in men. To deal with erection issues, they increase nitric oxide levels in the body, which widens and relaxes veins, increasing blood flow to the penile tissues.
Proper blood flow ensures a hard and robust erection. Similarly, most male enhancement pills contain ingredients that enhance libido to ensure that one is ready for action at any time. They also boost energy and stamina, which increases endurance and improves sexual performance.
Some male enhancement pills also contain antioxidants that fight off oxidative stress in penile tissues, further boosting healthy erections.
What are the benefits of male enhancement pills?
When you take male enhancement pills, you will enjoy the following benefits:
· Bigger, stronger, and thicker erections
· Enhanced libido
· An increase in strength and stamina
· A boost in self-confidence in and out of bed
· Better control over orgasms
· An improved sexual relationship
What ingredients should I expect to see in a best male enhancers?
Some of the ingredients you should look out for in a potent male enhancement pill are:
· L-Arginine
· Zinc
· Maca Root
· Tribulus Terrestris
· Hawthorne Berry
· Red Koren Ginseng
· Pomegranate
· Cordyceps
· Selenium
· Damiana
· Epimedium Leaf Root (Horny goats weed)
· Catuaba bark extract
· Gingko Biloba
What should I consider when buying a male enhancement pill?
The first thing that you should look at when buying a male enhancement pill is the ingredients. It should contain ingredients that have been scientifically tested and proven to correct issues stemming from erectile dysfunction. These should also be in the appropriate doses to be effective.
Another thing to consider is the price. Given that you will be taking it for an extended time, it is important to hunt for a deal that is the right balance between cost and effectiveness. It is also crucial to investigate the manufacturer, their reputation, where they are based, and their philosophy.
Of course, settle for a supplement that is made with natural ingredients and devoid of artificial additives, allergens, or stimulants that can cause adverse side effects.
How fast do male sex boosters works?
This will depend on the specific pill and how it is formulated. For the most part, however, most pills will start giving results in two to three weeks, but you will start seeing comprehensive results in three months.
Most male enhancement supplements will work as long as you continue taking them, and the results will go away when you stop. As such, you must continue taking them for continued results.
Should I combine a male enhancement pill with other supplements?
Most male enhancement pills can be safely combined with other supplements, such as fat burners or muscle builders. In fact, the right combination of supplements can give you bigger and better results.
Do I need to combine a gym workout with male enhancement supplements?
Staying physically fit is not only beneficial for your sex life but for your overall health. You cannot go wrong with incorporating exercise in your routine as it will also improve multiple areas of your life.
If you work out and build a positive body image, this will boost your self-esteem, effects that will translate in bed. Exercising also raises testosterone levels, which is crucial for male sexuality.