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Gay football manager Luke Tuffs steps down from Leatherhead FC role

In a statement Luke hinted at differences between himself and the club's chairman.

By Alastair James

Luke Tuffs
Luke Tuffs is stepping down as manager at Leatherhead FC (Image: Attitude)

Luke Tuffs, one of the only openly-gay football managers in the UK, is stepping down from his role.

The now-former manager at Leatherhead FC, 35, announced his decision on Wednesday, 5 October. He followed it up with a lengthy statement on Thursday, 6 October.

In a three-tweet thread, Luke wrote that it has been a hard decision to make but that it is “the right fit for everyone.”

“I’m proud of my short time at the club, and as the 6th manager in under a year, I feel I have done my best to steady the ship for the future.”

Hailing the last season as an “amazing ride” Luke goes on to say that the non-league division one team rowed back from a nine-point gap at the bottom of the league to finishing just outside of relegation to the Isthmian North League.

He’s confident that “the current group will turn these draws into wins,” and get the club into a better position.

Mentioning that he’s rebuilt the club “significantly under budget” he adds that it’s been “always with the best interests of the club at my heart.”

Luke hints at conflicting positions between himself and the club’s chairman, Mick Sullivan, writing: “Ultimately though, there are too many differences between myself and the chairman”.

“Now is the right time for someone to come in and build on the foundation that is there now, who aligns more to his views of how a club should be run and bring the success the fans deserve.”

Luke thanks all the staff at the club, his assistant manager, the players, and finally the fans.

In a statement, Leatherhead FC says, “All involved with the club wish him every success for the future and we would like to put on record our thanks for his hard work and commitment during his time with us.”

The club adds, “The board will start the search for a new manager and will make a further statement in due course.”

The response to Luke’s statement has been universally bittersweet with many congratulating Luke on his time as manager, but lamenting his departure.

One person wrote to Luke: “One of the hardest working people in NL football, you galvanised the fans with the club after the turmoil. You should be proud of what you have done Luke and walk away with your head held high”

Others applauded Luke’s integrity and conduct while also indicating their upset and disapproval of the club’s management.

In 2020, Luke led the Sports category for the inaugural Attitude 101. He shared his experiences as a player coming up against homophobia.

“As a player, I’ve been spat on, I’ve had people threaten to stab me and all sorts. We have to fight to stop that homophobic abuse, which includes hatred from the terraces, and allowing a team spirit to develop on my side counters that.”