Josh Cavallo marks one year since coming out as gay with moving post
"Taking that step in my life was not only for myself but for the people in this world that believe there is no place for them in sport."

Josh Cavallo has marked the one-year anniversary since his game-changing decision to come out as gay.
At the time it made the Adelaide player the only openly-gay footballer at the top level of the sport.
In the year since then, he’s inspired Blackpool’s Jake Daniels to come out as gay. The Scottish player, Zander Murray, has also come out as have referees, Craig Napier and Lloyd Wilson.
Josh was also named Attitude’s Man of the Year at the 2022 Attitude Awards.
On Thursday (27 October) Josh wrote: “Today marks one year since I stood in front of a camera not knowing if there will ever be a future for me in sport.
“Taking that step in my life was not only for myself but for the people in this world that believe there is no place for them in sport.”
He thanks everyone for their support. Josh adds, “You have not only helped me in my personal journey but you helped encourage so many others in the world to open their wings in becoming themselves.”
He goes on to say, “During this past year, there are many bridges that have been built for the next generation and I’m wanting to continue to help build these with my platform.”
Adelaide United posted on their Instagram account that “one year on, we are very proud of you” and tagging Josh.
Speaking a year ago, Josh broke boundaries when he declared: “There’s something personal that I need to share with everyone. I’m a footballer and I’m gay.”
“Growing up I always felt the need to hide myself because I was ashamed – ashamed I would never be able to do what I love and be gay,” he added.

Speaking to Attitude on the red carpet at this year’s Attitude Awards Josh said what touches his heart most are “the everyday mums, dads, grandparents, and kids themselves that reach out and say I’ve helped influence and change their life for the better. Hearing that is absolutely phenomenal.”
He also hinted at plans to improve inclusivity in football and sport.
“I haven’t even started on what I want to do yet. There are so many things I want to help the community to create a safer and safer place for us in the world. So we’ve got a long way to go. But I’m so happy to start there and influence the world for the better.”